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iVOTE: PUPSRC Online Election System 🗳️ 📊

Contributors Stargazers Issues Pull requests GitHub Release



  • iVOTE is an under-development online voting web application for Polytechnic University of the Philippines Santa Rosa Campus Student Academic Organizations.
  • This project is for partial fulfillment of the subject COMP 20133: Applications Development and Emerging Technologies.

Table of Contents

  1. Tech Stack
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Role Access
  5. For Collaborators
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Contributors
  8. UI Snippets
  9. Recommendation

Tech Stack

Tech stack and frameworks used to build iVOTE web-application

  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • SCSS
  • JQuery


Features Offered:
  1. Electronic Ballot Form
  2. Live Counting of Results
  3. Election configuration
    • Add Ballot Form Input Field
    • Vote Scheduling
    • Dynamic Voting Guidelines
    • Candidates Sequence on Ballot Form
  4. Archive of Election Results
  5. Exportable Reports (pdf, xlsx, csv, and docx)
  6. Candidates Information Management
  7. Voters Account Mangagement
  8. Password Recovery
  9. Login Attempts Lockout
Other Features:
  1. Mobile Responsive
  2. Full Screen Toggle of Live Results
  3. Anonymous Toggle of Live Results
  4. Email Notification about Account Approval or Rejection



  • You must have installed PHP and Git on your machine.
  • To access the phpMyAdmin, you need XAMPP installed also.


  1. Clone this repository by running this git command.
git clone

or if you need to checkout a specific branch only

git clone --single-branch --branch main

Note: Change the branch name as you see fit. In this case, the name of the checked out branch is main.

  1. Download the necessary files on your root folder to create the databases of 9 orgs. These are the only files needed.
  • create-db.php
  • env.php
  • create-org-tbl.sql

Access them here.

  1. Run the PHP script on your terminal
php create-db.php

or thru directory listing

  1. Open the website locally on your machine. The URL may look something like this:

Role Access

Account Type Features
Student-Voter Account registration, password recovery, and vote casting.
Admin Validation of voter account, and access to live counting of results
Head Admin Similar to admin, with only the additional privilege of adding new admin accounts

For Collaborators

  1. Clone this repository and checkout the development branch on your computer
 git clone --single-branch --branch development
  1. Create a local branch on your computer
git checkout -b your_branch
  1. Commit your changes
  git add .
  git commit -m "type: issue-key-your_commit_message"
  1. If finished, push/publish your local branch to this repository
git push origin your_branch
  1. Open a pull request from your published branch to merge it into the development branch
  2. Await the review and approval of at least one collaborator on your pull request
  3. After approval, ensure that you pull the latest changes from the development branch on your computer.
git pull origin development

Important Note: Keep in mind the issue key of your Team's Project in Jira and proper conventional commit message.


The project team would like to thank the student academic organizations of PUPSRC below for their unwavering and continuous support and guidance for the success of this endeavor:


Made with

UI Snippets

  • To follow


You can read more about:

Conventional Commits
Semantic Versioning

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Copy of PUPSRC Election System






No releases published


No packages published


  • PHP 62.8%
  • CSS 18.9%
  • JavaScript 12.0%
  • SCSS 5.8%
  • Hack 0.5%