This repository contains the code for an Image Segmentation model using U-Net architecture to segment roads in the 'Ottawa dataset'. The goal of this project is to create accurate road masks for various images.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Python 3.x
- PyTorch
- NumPy
- Matplotlib (for visualization)
You can install the required Python packages using conda
: (/!\ This is a requirement file based from osx-arm64
, it can be different if you are on other device architecture)
conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt
: This directory contains example images and segmentation results from training.
In the more code side, the project is organized as follows, all file listed are under the src
: This script handles data preprocessing such as patchify the original image into sub chunks:
: This configuration file controls both training and inference parameters. Customize it to suit your needs.
: This script is used for training the U-Net model on the 'Ottawa dataset.' To start training, run:
: This script is used for testing the trained model. You can run it using:
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd ottawa-road-segmentation
Install the required packages as mentioned in the Prerequisites section.
Download the Ottawa dataset and place it in a directory named ./Ottawa-Dataset
The Ottawa dataset come from this paper
Before training, ensure you preprocess the dataset. Run the following command to perform data preprocessing:
You should find the pre-processed dataset under src/dataset
following this struct
Then to train the U-Net, execute the following command
Make sure to personalize the training part by changing some parameter into the
For the testing part, or inference, use
The result over 100 epochs are the following:
The blue line here is the loss on training and le red line is the loss on valid
This aim to a pretty decent result as we compare the masks:
(First the predictions, then the thruth masks)
As we can see, this is pretty close to the mask, but still some noise around. And as the metric are not at 100%, we need to think how we could improve the model.
On a closer look on the data, on the original repo, they mention the separation between the training and testing set. At the end with the patches made while pre-process the data, we end up with approximativly 1600 training samples and 1000 valid sample. We could so, first, use some valid sample into the training set. Then, even if we add some, there is still not enought data to perfectly train a model fram scratch.
The model use the simple U-Net from the paper, with only 4 depth layers. We could get into a depthest model, but we need to ensure that we need suffisant data for (Rely on point 1).
With all the key we have into our hand, two ways are open. Either gathering more data and label it, or use a pre-trained model as the encoding part.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or find issues, please create a new issue or a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.