Resources for students who wish to learn about Processing.
- Aaron Koblin - The Sheel Market (2008)
- Jonas Jongejan and Ole Kristensen - Body Navigation (2008)
- Ryan Alexander - Mycelium
- Processing IDE: Download the self-contained software from the official foundation's site. No experience required.
- Processing extension for Visual Studio Code: An extension that adds Processing language support to the VS Code editor. Experience of integrated development environments (IDE) required.
- Processing examples: Examples provided by the foundation.
- Processing tutorials: Tutorials provided by the foundation.
- Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction: Daniel Shiffman's video series dedicated to learning to program using Processing.
- The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing: Daniel Shiffman's video series.
- Processing libraries: The main libraries offered by the foundation.
- HYPE Processing Library: A collection of classes, maintained by Joshua Davis, that performs the heavy lifting for you by writing a minimal amount of code.
- LeapMotion for Processing: Contributed library to use the Leap Motion in Processing.
- Multi-Leap: Use multiple leap motion controllers on the same computer.
- OpenCV for Processing: A Processing library for the OpenCV computer vision library.
- OpenGL video playback for Processing: Hardware accelerated video playback using GL textures (for Processing on Raspberry Pi).
- PixelFlow: A Processing/Java library for high performance GPU-Computing (GLSL).
- Processing Reference: The official Processing language documentation.
- OpenCV for Processing Reference