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How to compile a code using wiselib

vasilakis edited this page May 24, 2011 · 3 revisions

In this section we show how you can compile a source code using wiselib features.

Firstly download wiselib at your /home/username/ directory(or anywhere else).Also download and the Android NDK.

Wiselib makefiles that have to do with android are:
wiselib/trunk/applications/Makefile: The main makefile that is called when you type make android.
wiselib/trunk/applications/Makefile.local: File that declares(exports) all the necessary variables.
wiselib/trunk/applications/ Makefile actually calls the ndk-build script from the ndk folder.
wiselib/trunk/applications/ File that includes all the necessary files for compilation.

After setting up the wiselib you also have to declare at wiselib where the ndk folder. Open the wiselib/trunk/applications/Makefile.local file, go to the android section and declare the path.

On every android ndk application you create that uses wiselib components you must create a makefile as shown below:


all: android

include /home/vasilakis/wiselib/trunk/applications/Makefile

As you see, this makefile just includes the wiselib's main makefile. As you apparently know, android ndk works with its own makefiles (the files that end at .mk). As a matter of fact, everything that you application needs(even the targeted cpu architecture arm or x86) you declare it at the and is to describe which native 'modules' (i.e. static/shared libraries, arm or x86 cpu architecture) are needed by your application. file is written to describe your sources to the build system.As a result, you have to add the wiselib files in your file. As it metioned above, under the directory wiselib/trunk/applications/ there is an file that does the job. All you have to do is to add this file relatively to your path.For example, if you build an application that uses a native file, "timerTest.cpp" under the directory $HOME/androidTest/jni/, after you include your source codes you add relatively wiselib's file as seen below.

# build file written to describe the C and C++ source files to the Android NDK
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE    := timerTest
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := timerTest.cpp

include ../../wiselib/trunk/applications/   #THIS LINE IS NEEDED BY NDK TO INCLUDE WISELIB MODULES


Now if you type make android, ndk-build will be called(with paremeters clean, all and -B) from your directory and will build the library. The reason that you have to include wiselib's in a relative path is that in essence, build-ndk script is called from your working directory(actually from the directory in which an file made the last change to LOCAL_PATH variable).