Welcome to the GitHub organization for the CCA Software Group! Feel free to create or contribute to a repository, plan a project, or discuss ideas.
General purpose / pedagogical repos:
py_template is a template you can use to quickly create your own Python repository with a common package file layout and optional continuous integration of: tests, formatting/linting, type checking, and docs. See that repo's docs for a 'getting started' guide.
from-python-script-to-package is a guide to packaging your Python code for a range of goals and to incremental levels of complexity.
short_tutorials is a collection of small tutorials on various software development topics.
General purpose / pedagogical presentations:
- Pycon - U.S. yearly in May, analog in many other countries throughout year
- SciPy - U.S. yearly in July, Europe some years in August
- JuliaCon - U.S. or Europe yearly in July
- SuperComputing - U.S. yearly in November
- Scientific Python - Seattle yearly in June
- Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems (ADASS) - Varying country yearly in November
- .astronomy - U.S. or Europe yearly in the fall
- Astro Hack Week - sporadic (2024 cancelled), future unclear
- Python in Astronomy - yearly but last held in 2020, future unclear
- ASTRONUM - France ~yearly in the summer
- Virtual Astronomy Software Talks (VAST) - Monthly by Zoom