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Hiding Game Window Borders In Wine

robotanarchy edited this page May 25, 2015 · 2 revisions


The simplest way: modifying the window properties with autoit3:

#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3> 

$handle = WinGetHandle("GTA2")

consolewrite("handle: " & $handle & @crlf)

_WinAPI_SetWindowLong($handle, $GWL_STYLE, $WS_POPUP)

Result: Window doesn't react anymore in wine!


Tried to change the dwStyle in CreateWindowEx and similar functions (AdjustWindowEx) in GTA2.exe and dmavideo_original.dll. Result is that they don't affect the ingame-window at all (probably the network dialogs, but not sure how useful modifying them would be). Some hacking with ollydbg showed, that the CreateWindowEx function gets called from wined3d.dll. Shipping a custom wine-dll-file isn't really that good.


Third approach would be: change the wine theme, so it doesn't display borders (G2HR will run in its own wine prefix anyway). Scratch that, modifying the registry might be enough:

[HKCU/Control Panel/Desktop/WindowMetrics]


It doesn't get smaller than a minimum size :/


Drawing black borders with AutoIt3 over the window frames (as popup-windows). This will always work, and could be combined with C to make the borders smaller. Maybe we should just go with that, seems to be the most portable solution.