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Polymer-based web component for D2L file uploader


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Note: this is a "labs" component. While functional, these tasks are prerequisites to promotion to BrightspaceUI "official" status:

Polymer component for uploading files with drag and drop capability. This component does not perform the actual uploading work, it simply provides visual cues and exposes an event when files have been uploaded.

screenshot of file uploader


To install from NPM:

npm install @brightspace-ui-labs/file-uploader


  <script type="module" src="@brightspace-ui-labs/file-uploader/d2l-file-uploader.js"></script>

Basic Usage with Accessible Label

It's important to always provide an accessible label which describes the purpose of the uploader using the label attribute. The label will be hidden visually but associated with the upload input for those using assistive technologies such as a screen reader.

<d2l-labs-file-uploader label="profile picture"></d2l-labs-file-uploader>

Multi-file Uploads

To allow for multiple files to be uploaded, add the multiple attribute:

<d2l-labs-file-uploader multiple ...></d2l-labs-file-uploader>


The file uploader will automatically render using the language found on the HTML element -- i.e. <html lang="fr">. If the language attribute is not present or isn't supported, the uploader will render in English.

screenshot of file uploader localized

Feedback Messages

If you encounter a scenario where you'd like to display feedback about the uploaded file(s) -- like a warning or an error -- use the feedback and feedback-type attributes.

The feedback-type defaults to "warning":

	feedback="Sorry, we cannot upload files larger than 1GB.">

screenshot of file uploader in warning state

But feedback-type can also be set to "error":

	feedback="An error occurred occurred processing the upload."

screenshot of file uploader in error state

Feedback Changed Event

To listen for when feedback changes within the uploader, register for the feedback-changed event.

Vanilla JavaScript:

<d2l-labs-file-uploader id="my-uploader" ...></d2l-labs-file-uploader>
	.addEventListener('feedback-changed', function(evt) {
		var feedbackMessage = evt.detail.value;

From within another Polymer element you can use Polymer's annotated event listeners:

<dom-module id="my-element">
		<d2l-labs-file-uploader on-feedback-changed="handleFeedback"></d2l-labs-file-uploader>

Handling Uploaded Files

When the user uploads one or more files, a d2l-file-uploader-files-added event is fired. To listen for this event, wire up an event listener to the <d2l-labs-file-uploader> element. The listener will be passed an event with an array of File objects from the File API.

Vanilla JavaScript:

<d2l-labs-file-uploader id="my-uploader" ...></d2l-labs-file-uploader>
	.addEventListener('d2l-file-uploader-files-added', function(evt) {
		var files = evt.detail.files;

From within another Polymer element you can use Polymer's annotated event listeners:

<dom-module id="my-element">
		<d2l-labs-file-uploader on-d2l-file-uploader-files-added="handleFileAdded"></d2l-labs-file-uploader>

Developing, Testing and Contributing

After cloning the repo, run npm install to install dependencies.


# eslint
npm run lint


# lint & run headless unit tests
npm test

# unit tests only
npm run test:headless

Running the demos

To start a @web/dev-server that hosts the demo page and tests:

npm start

Versioning and Releasing

This repo is configured to use semantic-release. Commits prefixed with fix: and feat: will trigger patch and minor releases when merged to main.

To learn how to create major releases and release from maintenance branches, refer to the semantic-release GitHub Action documentation.