A simple load balancer in Go. It uses RoundRobin algorithm to send requests into set of backends and support retries too.
It also performs active cleaning and passive recovery for unhealthy backends.
Since its simple it assume if / is reachable for any host its available
Run the application with:
go run app/cmd/server/main.go --backends=<BACKEND_URL>
Ensure that you have a backend running on the specified url BACKEND_URL
Options available are beloe:
-backends string
Load balanced backends, use commas to separate
-port int
Port to serve (default 3030)
To add followings as load balanced backends
robinlb --backends=http://localhost:3031,http://localhost:3032,http://localhost:3033,http://localhost:3034
You can optionally run with the provided docker-compose.yml.
docker-compose up
Will build the load balancer and run it on port 3030 and run the other services in the docker-compose file as well.
Afterwards, you can access the load balancer at http://localhost:3030/ and requests will be sent to the appropriate backend.