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=== Editorial Calendar ===
Contributors: cvernon, justinstresslimit, MaryVogt, zgrossbart
Tags: posts, post, calendar, AJAX, admin, administration
Requires at least: 2.8.5
Tested up to: 3.1
Stable tag: 1.3.3

The Editorial Calendar makes it possible to see all your posts and drag and drop them to manage your blog.

== Description ==

Did you remember to write a post for next Tuesday?  What about the Tuesday after that?  WordPress doesn't make it easy to see when your posts are scheduled.  The editorial calendar gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published.  You can drag and drop to move posts, edit posts right in the calendar, and manage your entire blog.  

<h4>Watch the video</h4>

Get a quick overview of what the calendar can do for you with the <a href="" target="_blank">The WordPress Editorial Calendar Screen Cast</a>.

<h4>Try it out</h4>
Try the calendar before you install it.  Check out the demo installation at <a href="">Zack's WordPress Sandbox</a>.


1. See all of your posts and when they'll be posted.
1. Drag and drop to change your post dates.
1. Quickedit post titles, contents, and times.
1. Publish posts or manage drafts.
1. Easily see the status of your posts.
1. Manage posts from multiple authors.

<h4>Make it better</h4>

Thank you to everyone who has given us feedback and helped us improve this plugin.  If you have questions, problems, or ideas for new features please let us know at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.  

== Installation ==

1. <b>Backup your WordPress database</b>.
1. Upload the plugin directory <code>editorial-calendar</code> to the <code>wp-content/plugins</code> directory.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
1. Click the new 'Calendar' option under the 'Posts' menu or any other custom post types.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is an editorial calendar? =

An editorial calendar is simply a plan for your blog.  It is thinking ahead about what you're going to write.  There's a detailed explanation of editorial calendars at <a href="">The Easy-to-Use Tool that Helps You Build a Breakthrough Blog</a> from <a href="">Copyblogger</a>.

= What are other people saying about the calendar? =

From time to time people write articles about the editorial calendar.  We appreciate every one.

<a href="">Use An Editorial Calendar</a> by <a href="">Chris Brogan</a>

<a href="">Blogging For Web Designers: Editorial Calendars and Style Guides</a> by <a href="">Jessica Bordeau</a> at <a href="">Smashing Magazine</a>

<a href="">
Editorial Calendar WordPress plugin review</a> by <a href="">The Blogging Academy</a>

<a href="">Brogan is right - the "Editorial Calendar" WordPress plugin truly rocks!</a> by <a href="">Dan York</a>

<a href="">Editorial Calendar Plugin for WordPress</a> by <a href="">Steve Campbell</a>

<a href="">
An Editorial Calendar Plugin For WordPress</a> by <a href="">Marketplace Mommies</a>

<a href="">Great WP Plugin for Online Editors: Editorial Calendar</a> by <a href="">Mequoda Daily</a>

<a href="">Drag and Drop Post Scheduling with the Editorial Calendar WordPress plugin</a> by <a href="">Chris Garrett</a>

<a href="">WordPress Plug-In Plug: Editorial Calendar</a> on <a href="">The Incidental Economist</a>

<a href="">How To Use The Editorial Calendar For WordPress</a> by <a href="">Rezdwan Hamid</a>

<a href="">Visually Manage Your Post Publication Dates with the Editorial Calendar WordPress Plugin</a> on <a href="">WordCast</a>

<a href="">Powerful Plugins That Keep You Organized and Increase Your Productivity</a> at <a href=""></a>.

<a href="">SEO Copywriting Checklist for Wordpress Blogs</a> on <a href="">@WebSuccessDiva</a> is a good article about SEO and using an editorial calendar.

= Can I see a demo of the calendar? =

Check out our demo installation at <a href="">Zack's WordPress Sandbox</a>.

= How do I get help using the calendar? =

The <a href="">WordPress Editorial Calendar Google Group</a> is a good place to ask questions, find answers, and post feedback.  We also follow the forum <a href="">Editorial Calendar discussion</a>. 

= How do I navigate in the calendar? =

You can move around in the calendar using the arrows next to the months at the top or your mouse wheel. You can also move using your keyboard:

<li>Move 1 week into the past - Up Arrow</li>
<li>Move 1 week into the future - Down Arrow</li>
<li>Jump multiple weeks into the past - Page Up or Ctrl+Up Arrow</li>
<li>Jump multiple weeks into the future - Page Down or Ctrl+Down Arrow</li>

= How do I change the first day of the week? =

The editorial calendar follows the Week Starts On preference on the WordPress General Settings page.  Choose the day you want and the calendar will use that day as the first day of the week.

= What languages does the calendar support? =

The calendar is available in Brazilian Portuguese, Croatian, Czechoslovakian, English, French, and Greek. 

= Can I add new languages? =

Yes please!  We are looking for translators.  It only takes about 20 minutes.  If you're interested please <a href="mailto:[email protected]">contact us</a>.

= How does the calendar work =

The calendar is written in JavaScript.  It contacts your blog when it scrolls to get data about your posts.  Just like Google Maps.  <a href="">Creating a JQuery Powered Posts Calendar for WordPress</a> explains a lot of the technical details.

= Is the calendar collecting data about my blog? =

After you use the calendar a few times we'll prompt you to let us collect a little anonymous data about your blog.  Information like the size of your browser window and the number of posts you have per day help us make the calendar even better.

The collected data is all available to the public.  Check out the <a href="">Editorial Calendar Statistics</a>.

= What users can use the calendar? =

The editorial calendar works differently based on your permissions.  Administrators and Editors can use every feature available in the calendar.  Authors can use the calendar to edit and move their own posts, but other people's posts are read-only.  Contributors and Subscribers can't see the calendar.

= Can I use the editorial calendar with pages? =

Right now the calendar only supports posts.  We're considering adding pages.  If you would like to see pages show up in the calendar let us know.

= Does the calendar support group blogs? =

If your blog has multiple authors the calendar will work just fine.  You can show author names right in the calendar.  Just look under screen options.

We are currently working on new features for multi-author blogs.  If you have any ideas please <a href="mailto:[email protected]">contact us</a>.

= Can my readers tell I'm using the editorial calendar? =

No.  The calendar is only an administration tool.  None of your readers will know you're running it unless you tell them.

= Why can't I move published posts? =

Moving published posts can cause problems with some RSS feeds and is generally not a very popular thing to do.  The calendar only allows you to move scheduled and draft posts.

== Screenshots ==

1. The calendar integrates seamlessly into the WordPress administration console
2. See the big picture with a view of all your posts and when they'll be published.
3. Drag and drop posts to easily change dates and take control of your blog.
4. Create, edit, and schedule posts in one simple quickedit dialog.
5. Show as much or as little of your blog as you like.
6. Use a special calendar for each custom post type on your blog.

== Changelog ==

= 1.3.3 =
* The calendar now supports Dutch.  Thanks to Helma Paternostre.
* We are no longer including the thickbox media upload files so the calendar loads faster.  
* The calendar now loads JQuery UI drag and drop support from WordPress instead of embedding the code.  This allows us to upgrade to the latest version of JQuery UI, avoid some conflicts with other plugins, and load faster.
* Fixed an error with the message panels so they will close properly on Chrome.

= 1.3.2 =
* We are now showing the full post content in the quick edit dialog even if there is a more tag
so we don't overwrite the post without the full post content.

= 1.3.1 =
* Added an extra check so we aren't calling functions for supporting custom post types when they aren't available.  This problem only happens on WordPress 2.9.X.

= 1.3 =
* The Editorial Calendar will now show up for each custom post type and support a separate calendar for each type.
* We are now disabling the save button on the quick edit dialog after it is pressed and before the post saves to prevent duplicate posts if the user presses the button twice in a row.
* Upgraded the to the latest version of QUnit for our unit test framework
* The calendar now supports Brazilian Portuguese.  Thanks to Janio Sarmento who uses the Editorial Calendar on his site <a href="">O Blogue do Janio</a>.

= 1.2 =
* We are now smarter about the way we scroll the calendar day to show the action links when the day has scroll bars.
* The calendar is now doing a better job determining the height of the list of posts in each day so the posts don't overlap other days.
* The calendar will now show an error message when it can't load due to JavaScript conflicts with other plugins.

= 1.1 =
* There was a security hole in the calendar that allowed contributors to publish posts when they couldn't in the standard edit screen.  We now only allow contributors to save drafts and schedule a post for review.
* Changed the easing we are using for the animation of the calendar so we can work with the BuddyPress plugin.
* Changed the text of the edit link on published posts from Republish to Edit.

= 1.0 =
* Fixed a scrolling issue that prevented cliking the action links on the last post if the individual day showed a scroll bar.

= 0.9 =
* The calendar now uses the QUnit unit test framework to make sure the calendar maintains high quality in every release.  You can see the <a href="">tests run</a> on our integration blog or run them on your own blog by adding &qunit=true to the end of the URL for the calendar.
* Made it easier to see the first day of the month using a special header and background color.
* Changed to a lighter gradient for the calendar header to match the new theme of WordPress 3.0.
* We now support pending review posts in the calendar.
* The calendar supports a feedback mechanism where we collect data about your use of the calendar.  This anonymous data helps us improve the calendar and know which areas to focus on.  Everyone can view the <a href="">Editorial Calendar Statistics</a>.
* Auto-drafts are now hidden from the calendar.

= 0.8 =
* We got the message and added an edit link that takes you to the WordPress edit page in addition to a link for the quick edit dialog in the calendar.
* The calendar will now remember the last date and start there again the next time you access it.
* Fixed a large performance problem that was causing the calendar to load the posts for and render many more weeks than it needed to.  The calendar is now faster than ever!
* The calendar quick edit screen now shows the post author.
* Sticky posts are now available in the calendar.  Schedule them like any other post.
* The calendar now supports Greek.  Thanks to <a href="">Mihalis Papanousis</a>.
* We also support Polish.  Thanks to Krzysztof Nowak who uses the Editorial Calendar on his site <a href="">Classica, mediaevalia et cetera</a>.

= 0.7 =
* You can now edit post contents, title, and time directly in the calendar.  You can also schedule a post for publication.
* The layout of posts in the calendar has been optimized to you can see the maximum number of posts in a single day without scrolling.
* The calendar is now available for Authors and grays out the posts the current user doesn't have permission to edit.
* The calendar has been translated into Czech.  Thanks to Luk&#225;&#353; Adamec, who uses the Calendar on his blog <a href="">Horni Hrad</a>. 
* Added a link to view published posts directly from the calendar.
* The calendar will now use the WordPress preference for the first day of the week and fall back on the server locale if it isn't set.
* The calendar is also using the WordPress preferences for time format.
* The calendar is now loading JavaScript libraries for just the calendar page.  That makes other pages load faster and avoids potential JavaScript conflicts with other plugins.
* The visible weeks preference in the screen options is now a dropdown instead of a text box.

= 0.6 =
* The new look and feel of the calendar makes it easier to scan over your posts while showing you more information.
* You can customize the number of weeks you work with in the calendar using the screen options pull down in the upper right.
* The calendar now starts with the current day as the first week.
* When dragging posts the calendar will now automatically scroll when you move a post past the top or bottom of the calendar.
* You can now access the edit, view, and delete post links directly in the calendar without bringing up a second dialog.
* The calendar now prevents you from changing posts that have already been published.
* The calendar now supports using HTTPS for admin with the define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); option in wp-config.php.
* The calendar is now properly handling posts with apostrophe's in the title in Internet Explorer.
* The calendar now supports French.  Thanks to the guys at <a href="">StressLimitDesign</a>.

= 0.5.4 =
* I think this should finally fix the date format bugs we've been having.  Thanks for sticking with it guys.

= 0.5.3 =
* Fixed a date formatting bug when we update posts into the WordPress database

= 0.5.2 =
* Fixed a bug that way causing an invalid concurrency error when changing post dates in non-American countries

= 0.5.1 =
* Fixed a bug with the post creation date that was making posts created from the calendar sometimes show up on the wrong day
* We are now properly encoding the post title when changing the title or creating a new draft so we can handle non-English characters properly.

= 0.5 =
* Added localization support for strings and dates in the calendar
* The calendar is no longer showing posts that you have put in your trash
* Fixed a problem that caused posts to never show up when working with WordPress in Croatian and other Eastern European languages.
* The calendar now starts the week on the right day based on the configured locale in WordPress. 
* Added language support files for Croatian.  Special thanks to <a href="">Ivan Brezak Brkan</a>.

= 0.4 =
* We are now doing a better job arranging our tooltips and setting GMT dates correctly.
* Fixed a problem with the post times so posts dragged with the calendar don't change their time of day.
* Added a dialog for creating new drafts on specific dates of the calendar.

= 0.3 =
* Additional bug fixes and stabalizations as well as the ability to add new posts to a given date from the calendar.

= 0.2 =
* This version fixes a large number of bugs, makes many usability improvements, and has some significant performance increases.

= 0.1 =
* This version is just for beta testers

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