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yuanyi-350 committed Oct 26, 2024
1 parent 6c281eb commit 4341261
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 82 deletions.
164 changes: 82 additions & 82 deletions FilteredRing/graded.lean
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Expand Up @@ -153,90 +153,90 @@ instance : FilteredAlgebra (induced_fil' 𝒜) where

end FilMod

section Graded

def gradedMul {i j : ι} : GradedPiece F i → GradedPiece F j → GradedPiece F (i + j) := by
intro x y
refine Quotient.map₂' (fun x y ↦ ⟨x.1 * y.1, fil.mul_mem x.2 y.2⟩)
?_ x y
intro x₁ x₂ hx y₁ y₂ hy
simp [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_apply, AddSubgroup.mem_addSubgroupOf] at hx hy ⊢
have eq : - (x₁.1 * y₁) + x₂ * y₂ = (- x₁ + x₂) * y₁ + x₂ * (- y₁ + y₂) := by noncomm_ring
rw [eq]
exact add_mem (Filtration.flt_mul_mem hx y₁.2) (Filtration.mul_flt_mem x₂.2 hy)

instance : GradedMonoid.GMul (GradedPiece F) where
mul := gradedMul F

instance : GradedMonoid.GOne (GradedPiece F) where
one := by sorry

instance : DirectSum.GSemiring (GradedPiece F) where
mul_zero := by
intro i j a
show gradedMul F a (0 : GradedPiece F j) = 0
unfold gradedMul
rw [← QuotientAddGroup.mk_zero, ← QuotientAddGroup.mk_zero]
induction a using Quotient.ind'
change'' _ ='' _
rw [Quotient.eq'']
simp [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_apply, AddSubgroup.mem_addSubgroupOf]
exact zero_mem _
zero_mul := by sorry
mul_add := by
intro i j a b c
show gradedMul F a (b + c) = gradedMul F a b + gradedMul F a c
unfold gradedMul
induction a using Quotient.ind'
induction b using Quotient.ind'
induction c using Quotient.ind'
change'' _ ='' _
rw [Quotient.eq'']
simp [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_apply, AddSubgroup.mem_addSubgroupOf]
rw [mul_add, neg_add_eq_zero.mpr]
exact zero_mem _
add_mul := sorry
one_mul := sorry
mul_one := sorry
mul_assoc := sorry
gnpow := sorry
gnpow_zero' := sorry
gnpow_succ' := sorry
natCast := sorry
natCast_zero := sorry
natCast_succ := sorry

end Graded

section integer
variable [DecidableEq ι] {i : ι}
#check DirectSum.of (GradedPiece F) i

variable (F : ℤ → AddSubgroup R) [fil : FilteredRing (fun i ↦ (F i).toAddSubmonoid)] (i : ℤ)
abbrev GradedPieces := GradedPiece F '' Set.univ

theorem fil_Z (i : ℤ) : F_lt F i = F (i - 1) := by
dsimp [F_lt]
ext x
simp only [Iff.symm Int.le_sub_one_iff]
· exact fun hx ↦ by (
have : ⨆ i_1, ⨆ (_ : i_1 ≤ i - 1), F i_1 ≤ F (i - 1) := iSup_le (fun k ↦ iSup_le fil.mono)
exact this hx)
· intro hx
have : F (i - 1) ≤ ⨆ k, ⨆ (_ : k ≤ i - 1), F k := by
apply le_iSup_of_le (i - 1)
simp only [le_refl, iSup_pos]
exact this hx
-- section Graded

-- def gradedMul {i j : ι} : GradedPiece F i → GradedPiece F j → GradedPiece F (i + j) := by
-- intro x y
-- refine Quotient.map₂' (fun x y ↦ ⟨x.1 * y.1, fil.mul_mem x.2 y.2⟩)
-- ?_ x y
-- intro x₁ x₂ hx y₁ y₂ hy
-- simp [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_apply, AddSubgroup.mem_addSubgroupOf] at hx hy ⊢
-- have eq : - (x₁.1 * y₁) + x₂ * y₂ = (- x₁ + x₂) * y₁ + x₂ * (- y₁ + y₂) := by noncomm_ring
-- rw [eq]
-- exact add_mem (Filtration.flt_mul_mem hx y₁.2) (Filtration.mul_flt_mem x₂.2 hy)

-- instance : GradedMonoid.GMul (GradedPiece F) where
-- mul := gradedMul F

-- instance : GradedMonoid.GOne (GradedPiece F) where
-- one := by sorry

-- instance : DirectSum.GSemiring (GradedPiece F) where
-- mul_zero := by
-- intro i j a
-- show gradedMul F a (0 : GradedPiece F j) = 0
-- unfold gradedMul
-- rw [← QuotientAddGroup.mk_zero, ← QuotientAddGroup.mk_zero]
-- induction a using Quotient.ind'
-- change'' _ ='' _
-- rw [Quotient.eq'']
-- simp [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_apply, AddSubgroup.mem_addSubgroupOf]
-- exact zero_mem _
-- zero_mul := by sorry
-- mul_add := by
-- intro i j a b c
-- show gradedMul F a (b + c) = gradedMul F a b + gradedMul F a c
-- unfold gradedMul
-- induction a using Quotient.ind'
-- induction b using Quotient.ind'
-- induction c using Quotient.ind'
-- change'' _ ='' _
-- rw [Quotient.eq'']
-- simp [QuotientAddGroup.leftRel_apply, AddSubgroup.mem_addSubgroupOf]
-- rw [mul_add, neg_add_eq_zero.mpr]
-- exact zero_mem _
-- rfl
-- add_mul := sorry
-- one_mul := sorry
-- mul_one := sorry
-- mul_assoc := sorry
-- gnpow := sorry
-- gnpow_zero' := sorry
-- gnpow_succ' := sorry
-- natCast := sorry
-- natCast_zero := sorry
-- natCast_succ := sorry

-- end Graded

-- section integer
-- variable [DecidableEq ι] {i : ι}
-- #check DirectSum.of (GradedPiece F) i

theorem GradedPiece_Z (i : ℤ) : GradedPiece F i = ((F i) ⧸ (F (i - 1)).addSubgroupOf (F i)) := by
simp only [GradedPiece, fil_Z]
-- variable (F : ℤ → AddSubgroup R) [fil : FilteredRing (fun i ↦ (F i).toAddSubmonoid)] (i : ℤ)
-- abbrev GradedPieces := GradedPiece F '' Set.univ

end integer
-- @[simp]
-- theorem fil_Z (i : ℤ) : F_lt F i = F (i - 1) := by
-- dsimp [F_lt]
-- ext x
-- simp only [Iff.symm Int.le_sub_one_iff]
-- constructor
-- · exact fun hx ↦ by (
-- have : ⨆ i_1, ⨆ (_ : i_1 ≤ i - 1), F i_1 ≤ F (i - 1) := iSup_le (fun k ↦ iSup_le fil.mono)
-- exact this hx)
-- · intro hx
-- have : F (i - 1) ≤ ⨆ k, ⨆ (_ : k ≤ i - 1), F k := by
-- apply le_iSup_of_le (i - 1)
-- simp only [le_refl, iSup_pos]
-- exact this hx

-- @[simp]
-- theorem GradedPiece_Z (i : ℤ) : GradedPiece F i = ((F i) ⧸ (F (i - 1)).addSubgroupOf (F i)) := by
-- simp only [GradedPiece, fil_Z]

-- end integer

-- instance : Semiring (⨁ i, GradedPiece F i) := by infer_instance

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