- Python 3+ (download: https://www.python.org/)
- TensorFlow (pip install tensorflow in command prompt)
- Keras (pip install keras)
- OpenCV (pip install opencv-python)
- NumPy (pip install numpy)
- Dahuffman (pip install dahuffman)
- ffmpeg (follow steps: https://www.wikihow.com/Install-FFmpeg-on-Windows , https://extract.me -- to convert 7z file to zip)
[NOTE: Running the files might give a warning (deprecation due to compatibility issues of TensorFlow 2.0 library and TensorFlow 1.0 code)]
- Train the auto-encoder (Optional, since I pretrained the model, takes a lot of time)
- run train.py
- Encode your video file [Huffman Encoding]
- run encoder.py
- Decode your video file [Decoding and Stream Generation]
- run decoder.py
- Control the bit rate to match the compressed file [Generating a better quality lower bandwidth stream than plain H.264 video]
- ffmpeg -i Football_decoded.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -y -b:v 3800k Football_final.mp4 (run this command in command prompt (set location of prompt to data folder first) )
Results Directory:
- Images from various stages of execution
Saved_Model directory:
- decoder_weights: weights generated for decoder after training autoencoder [nupmy array file]
- encoder_weights: weights generated for encoder after training autoencoder [nupmy array file]
- huffman_codec: byte stream of Huffman encoding done by encoder.py
Data directory:
- Football_raw.mp4: raw mp4(1920*1080,30fps) footage
- Football_compressed.mp4: Plain H.264 compressed video (1920*1080,30fps)
- Football_predicted.mp4: Residual predicted by model for the video
- Football_decoded.mp4: The framewise plain addition video of compressed and residual footage
- Football_final.mp4: Bit rate adjusted final compressed video generated
- Football_residual: the residual generated [nupmy array file]