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LibFile: color.scad

HSV and HSL conversion, rainbow() module for coloring multiple objects. The recolor() and color_this() modules allow you to change the color of previously colored attachable objects.

To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>

File Contents

  1. Section: Coloring Objects

    • recolor() – Sets the color for attachable children and their descendants. [Trans]
    • color_this() – Sets the color for children at the current level only. [Trans]
    • rainbow() – Iterates through a list, displaying children in different colors. [Trans]
    • color_overlaps() – Shows ghostly children, with overlaps highlighted in color. [Trans]
  2. Section: Colorspace Conversion

    • hsl() – Sets the color of children to a specified hue, saturation, lightness and optional alpha channel value. [Trans]
    • hsv() – Sets the color of children to a hue, saturation, value and optional alpha channel value. [Trans]

Section: Coloring Objects

Module: recolor()

Synopsis: Sets the color for attachable children and their descendants. [Trans]

Topics: Attachments

See Also: color_this(), hsl(), hsv()


  • recolor([c]) CHILDREN;


Sets the color for attachable children and their descendants, down until another recolor() or color_this(). This only works with attachables and you cannot have any color() modules above it in any parents, only other recolor() or color_this() modules. This works by setting the special $color variable, which attachable objects make use of to set the color.


By Position What it does
c Color name or RGBA vector. Default: The default color in your color scheme.

Side Effects:

  • Changes the value of $color.
  • Sets the color of child attachments.

Example 1:

recolor() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
  recolor("green")attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([9,9,4.5])
    attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([8,8,4])
      recolor("purple") attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([7,7,3.5])
        attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([6,6,3])
          recolor("cyan")attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([5,5,2.5])
            attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([4,4,2]);

Module: color_this()

Synopsis: Sets the color for children at the current level only. [Trans]

Topics: Attachments

See Also: recolor(), hsl(), hsv()


  • color_this([c]) CHILDREN;


Sets the color for children at one level, reverting to the previous color for further descendants. This works only with attachables and you cannot have any color() modules above it in any parents, only recolor() or other color_this() modules. This works using the $color and $save_color variables, which attachable objects make use of to set the color.


By Position What it does
c Color name or RGBA vector. Default: the default color in your color scheme

Side Effects:

  • Changes the value of $color and $save_color.
  • Sets the color of child attachments.

Example 1:

color\_this() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
  color_this("green")attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([9,9,4.5])
    attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([8,8,4])
      color_this("purple") attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([7,7,3.5])
        attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([6,6,3])
          color_this("cyan")attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([5,5,2.5])
            attach(TOP,BOT) cuboid([4,4,2]);

Module: rainbow()

Synopsis: Iterates through a list, displaying children in different colors. [Trans]

Topics: List Handling

See Also: hsl(), hsv()


  • rainbow(list,[stride],[maxhues],[shuffle],[seed]) CHILDREN;


Iterates the list, displaying children in different colors for each list item. The color is set using the color() module, so this module is not compatible with recolor() or color_this(). This is useful for debugging regions or lists of paths.


By Position What it does
list The list of items to iterate through.
stride Consecutive colors stride around the color wheel divided into this many parts.
maxhues max number of hues to use (to prevent lots of indistinguishable hues)
shuffle if true then shuffle the hues in a random order. Default: false
seed seed to use for shuffle

Side Effects:

  • Sets the color to progressive values along the ROYGBIV spectrum for each item.
  • Sets $idx to the index of the current item in list that we want to show.
  • Sets $item to the current item in list that we want to show.

Example 1:

rainbow() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
rainbow(["Foo","Bar","Baz"]) fwd($idx*10) text(text=$item,size=8,halign="center",valign="center");

Example 2:

rainbow() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
rgn = [circle(d=45,$fn=3), circle(d=75,$fn=4), circle(d=50)];
rainbow(rgn) stroke($item, closed=true);

Module: color_overlaps()

Synopsis: Shows ghostly children, with overlaps highlighted in color. [Trans]

Topics: Debugging

See Also: rainbow(), debug_vnf()


  • color_overlaps([color]) CHILDREN;


Displays the given children in ghostly transparent gray, while the places where the they overlap are highlighted with the given color.


By Position What it does
color The color to highlight overlaps with. Default: "red"

Example 1: 2D Overlaps

color\_overlaps() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
color_overlaps() {
    left(20) circle(d=50);
    right(20) circle(d=50);

Example 2: 3D Overlaps

color\_overlaps() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
color_overlaps() {
    left(30) sphere(d=50);
    right(30) sphere(d=50);

Section: Colorspace Conversion

Function/Module: hsl()

Synopsis: Sets the color of children to a specified hue, saturation, lightness and optional alpha channel value. [Trans]

Topics: Colors, Colorspace

See Also: hsv(), recolor(), color_this()


  • hsl(h,[s],[l],[a]) CHILDREN;
  • rgb = hsl(h,[s],[l],[a]);


When called as a function, returns the [R,G,B] color for the given hue h, saturation s, and lightness l from the HSL colorspace. If you supply the a value then you'll get a length 4 list [R,G,B,A]. When called as a module, sets the color using the color() module to the given hue h, saturation s, and lightness l from the HSL colorspace.


By Position What it does
h The hue, given as a value between 0 and 360. 0=red, 60=yellow, 120=green, 180=cyan, 240=blue, 300=magenta.
s The saturation, given as a value between 0 and 1. 0 = grayscale, 1 = vivid colors. Default: 1
l The lightness, between 0 and 1. 0 = black, 0.5 = bright colors, 1 = white. Default: 0.5
a Specifies the alpha channel as a value between 0 and 1. 0 = fully transparent, 1=opaque. Default: 1

Side Effects:

  • When called as a module, sets the color of all children.

Example 1:

hsl() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
hsl(h=120,s=1,l=0.5) sphere(d=60);

Example 2:

hsl() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
rgb = hsl(h=270,s=0.75,l=0.6);
color(rgb) cube(60, center=true);

Function/Module: hsv()

Synopsis: Sets the color of children to a hue, saturation, value and optional alpha channel value. [Trans]

Topics: Colors, Colorspace

See Also: hsl(), recolor(), color_this()


  • hsv(h,[s],[v],[a]) CHILDREN;
  • rgb = hsv(h,[s],[v],[a]);


When called as a function, returns the [R,G,B] color for the given hue h, saturation s, and value v from the HSV colorspace. If you supply the a value then you'll get a length 4 list [R,G,B,A]. When called as a module, sets the color using the color() module to the given hue h, saturation s, and value v from the HSV colorspace.


By Position What it does
h The hue, given as a value between 0 and 360. 0=red, 60=yellow, 120=green, 180=cyan, 240=blue, 300=magenta.
s The saturation, given as a value between 0 and 1. 0 = grayscale, 1 = vivid colors. Default: 1
v The value, between 0 and 1. 0 = darkest black, 1 = bright. Default: 1
a Specifies the alpha channel as a value between 0 and 1. 0 = fully transparent, 1=opaque. Default: 1

Side Effects:

  • When called as a module, sets the color of all children.

Example 1:

hsv() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
hsv(h=120,s=1,v=1) sphere(d=60);

Example 2:

hsv() Example 2
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
rgb = hsv(h=270,s=0.75,v=0.9);
color(rgb) cube(60, center=true);

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