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BeSman Environment Scripts Repo

A BeSman environment script is a script file that contains instructions for setting up and configuring the necessary tools, dependencies, and settings required for a specific software or project environment. It typically includes commands or directives to install/manage libraries, frameworks, databases, and other components needed to run the software or project successfully. Environment scripts automate the setup process, ensuring consistency and reproducibility across different environments or systems. They are commonly used in software development, testing, deployment, and other related tasks to streamline the environment setup and configuration

The repository contains environment scripts for projects tracked by Be-Secure community.

Key Features

  1. Customizable Environment Scripts: BeSman supports the use of environment variables, enabling users to define dynamic values that can be easily modified or shared. This flexibility allows for greater adaptability and customization of the environment setup.

  2. Recyclable Environment Scripts: The environment scripts are recyclable thanks to its lifecycle functions.

  3. Easier environment setup: The environment helps security professionals to reduce the turn around time for assessment of Open Source projects, AI Models, Model Datasets leaving them focus on the assessment task rather than setting up environment for it.

Types of environment script

Environment scripts are categorized based on the following.

  1. Red Team environments(RT): The env installs all the tools/utilities required for a security analyst to perform vulnerability assessment, create exploits etc.
  2. Blue Team environments(BT): The env would contain the instruction to install the tools required for a security professional to perform BT activities such as vulnerability remediation and patching.

Lifecycle functions of BeSman environment scripts

A BeSman environment script contain the following lifecycle functions

  • install: Installs the required tools.
  • uninstall: Removes the installed tools.
  • validate: Checks whether all the tools are installed and required configurations are met.
  • update: Update configurations of the tools.
  • reset: Reset the environment to the default state.

Two ways of execution

A BeSman environment script can be executed in two ways,

1. Using Ansible Roles

The environment script uses ansible roles to install the required tools.


  • Tool configuration
  • Easier installation
  • Reusable components


  • Need an Ansible installation

Skeletal Code


function __besman_install

    __besman_check_vcs_exist || return 1 # Checks if GitHub CLI is present or not.
    __besman_check_github_id || return 1 # checks whether the user github id has been populated or not under BESMAN_USER_NAMESPACE 
    __besman_check_for_ansible || return 1 # Checks if ansible is installed or not.
    __besman_create_roles_config_file # Creates the role config file with the parameters from env config
    # Requirements file is used to list the required ansible roles. The data for requirements file comes from BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES env var.
    # This function updates the requirements file from BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES env var.
    __besman_ansible_galaxy_install_roles_from_requirements # Downloads the ansible roles mentioned in BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES to BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH
    # The trigger playbook is used to run the ansible roles.
    [[ "$?" -eq 1 ]] && __besman_create_ansible_playbook # Creates the trigger playbook if not present.
    # Runs the trigger playbook. We are also passing these variables - bes_command=install; role_path=$BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH
    __besman_run_ansible_playbook_extra_vars "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK_PATH/$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK" "bes_command=install role_path=$BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH" || return 1
    # Clones the source code repo.
    if [[ -d $BESMAN_ARTIFACT_DIR ]]; then
        __besman_echo_white "The clone path already contains dir names $BESMAN_ARTIFACT_NAME"
        __besman_echo_white "Cloning source code repo from $BESMAN_USER_NAMESPACE/$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_NAME"
        __besman_repo_clone "$BESMAN_USER_NAMESPACE" "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_NAME" "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_DIR" || return 1
        cd "$HOME"

        __besman_echo_white "Assessment datastore found at $BESMAN_ASSESSMENT_DATASTORE_DIR"
        __besman_echo_white "Cloning assessment datastore from $\BESMAN_USER_NAMESPACE/besecure-assessment-datastore"
        __besman_repo_clone "$BESMAN_USER_NAMESPACE" "besecure-assessment-datastore" "$BESMAN_ASSESSMENT_DATASTORE_DIR" || return 1

    # Please add the rest of the code here for installation

function __besman_uninstall
    [[ "$?" -eq 1 ]] && __besman_create_ansible_playbook
    __besman_run_ansible_playbook_extra_vars "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK_PATH/$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK" "bes_command=remove role_path=$BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH" || return 1
    if [[ -d $BESMAN_ARTIFACT_DIR ]]; then
        __besman_echo_white "Removing $BESMAN_ARTIFACT_DIR..."
        rm -rf "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_DIR"
        __besman_echo_yellow "Could not find dir $BESMAN_ARTIFACT_DIR"
    # Please add the rest of the code here for uninstallation


function __besman_update
    [[ "$?" -eq 1 ]] && __besman_create_ansible_playbook
    __besman_run_ansible_playbook_extra_vars "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK_PATH/$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK" "bes_command=update role_path=$BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH" || return 1
    # Please add the rest of the code here for update


function __besman_validate
    [[ "$?" -eq 1 ]] && __besman_create_ansible_playbook
    __besman_run_ansible_playbook_extra_vars "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK_PATH/$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK" "bes_command=validate role_path=$BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH" || return 1
    # Please add the rest of the code here for validate


function __besman_reset
    [[ "$?" -eq 1 ]] && __besman_create_ansible_playbook
    __besman_run_ansible_playbook_extra_vars "$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK_PATH/$BESMAN_ARTIFACT_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK" "bes_command=reset role_path=$BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH" || return 1
    # Please add the rest of the code here for reset


2. Without using Ansible Roles - Basic environment

In this environment script, you will have to right all the required steps to install all the required tools.


  • Lightweight
  • No overhead of Ansible


  • Does have restricted customization.
  • Cannot tweak tool configurations.

Skeletal Code


function __besman_install


function __besman_uninstall

function __besman_update

function __besman_validate

function __besman_reset


1. Install BeSman

Install BeSman cli by referring this link.

2. Set your GitHub/GitLab id

The environment will use the variable BESMAN_USER_NAMESPACE to clone the source code repo and assessment datastore repo from your namespace.

To set it run,


Note: It is assumed that the source code repo as well as the assessment datastore repo has been forked to your namespace before you install an environment. Make sure you have git configured in your system for a seamless experience.

3. List environments

BeSman has a set of available environments. To get it, run the below command.

$ bes list -env

4. Install an environment

4.1 Edit environment configuration(optional)

Each environment has a configuration file with it. If you wish to edit some environment configuration then run,

IMPORTANT: If you are using a common environment to assess multiple artifacts, you will have to do this step.

  1. Run the below command to download the environment configuration. The file will be downloaded to $HOME dir.

     bes config -env <environment name> -V <version>
  2. Open the file in your editor. The file will be available in your $HOME dir under the name besman-<environment name>-config.yaml

  3. Fill in the missing values.

4.2 Install command

From the list of environments (from list command) choose the environment you wish to install.

$ bes install -env <environment name> -V <version>

5. Uninstall an environment

To uninstall an environment run the below command,

$ bes uninstall -env <environment name> -V <version>

6. Other commands

You can get the complete list of commands using

$ bes help

For more info regarding a command,

$ bes help <command>

Developer Guide

Thank you for taking your time to contribute to Be-Secure Environment Repo. Please check the developer-guide for instructions on how to develop your environment script.