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File metadata and controls

287 lines (197 loc) · 13.6 KB


The entire configuration is contained in config.yml.

The following are common parameters which it is possible to specify in the configuration.

Parameter Description Expected format Example Required
environment You can specify various environments. The values "production" (not verbose) and "development" (verbose) will affect the verbosity of the error/debug logs. Other values don't affect the functionalities, they will be used to identify from which environment the log is coming from. A string production Yes
notificationIntervalSeconds Defines the amount of seconds after which an alert can be repeated. An alert is repeated only if the event that triggered it is not yet solved. Please, don't set this value to Infinity, use instead alertOnlyOnce. An integer 1800 Yes
alertOnlyOnce A boolean that, if set to true, will prevent repetitions of the same alert even if the event that triggered it is not yet solved. In this case notificationIntervalSeconds will be ignored. If set to true, the signature of all alerts will be cached in order to recognize if they already happened in the past. This may lead to a memory leak if the amount of alerts is considerable. A boolean false No
monitoredPrefixesFiles The list of files containing the prefixes to monitor. See here for more informations. A list of strings (valid .yml files) -prefixes.yml Yes
logging A dictionary of parameters containing the configuration for the file logging. Yes The directory where the log files will be generated. The directory will be created if not existent. A string logs Yes
logging.logRotatePattern A pattern with date placeholders indicating the name of the file. This pattern will also indicate when a log file is rotated. A string with date placeholders (YYYY, MM, DD, ss, hh) YYYY-MM-DD Yes
logging.zippedArchive Indicates if when a file gets rotates it has to be zipped or not. A boolean true Yes
logging.maxSize Indicates the maximum file size allowed before to be rotated (by adding .number ad the end). This allows to rotate files when logRotatePattern still the same but the file is too big A string (indicating an amount and a unit of measure) 20m Yes
logger.maxFiles Indicates the maximum amount of files or the maximum amount of days the files are retained. When this threshold is passed, files get deleted. A string (a number or an amount of days ending with "d") 14d Yes
checkForUpdatesAtBoot Indicates if at each booth the application should check for updates. If an update is available, a notification will be sent to the default group. If you restart the process often (e.g. debugging, experimenting etc.) set this to false to avoid notifications. Anyway, BGPalerter checks for updates every 10 days. A boolean true Yes
uptimeMonitor A dictionary of parameters containing the configuration for the uptime monitor feature. The API showing the status of BGPalerter is available at The API is reachable at http://localhost:8011/status No A boolean that if set to true enables the monitor. When set to false none of the monitoring components and dependencies are loaded (and no port has to be open). A boolean true No
uptimeMonitor.useStatusCodes A boolean that if set to true enables HTTP status codes in the response. Nothing changes in the JSON output provided by the API. A boolean true No
uptimeMonitor.port The port on which the API will be reachable. An integer 8011 No


You can compose the tool with 3 main components: connectors, monitors, and reports.

  • Connectors retrieve/listen to the data from different sources and transform them to a common format.
  • Monitors analyze the data flow and produce alerts. Different monitors try to detect different issues.
  • Reports send/store the alerts, e.g. by email or to a file.

In config.yml.example there are all the possible components declarations (similar to the one of the example below). You can enable the various components by uncommenting the related block.

Example of composition:

  - file: connectorRIS
    name: ris
  - file: monitorHijack
    channel: hijack
    name: basic-hijack-detection

  - file: monitorPath
    channel: path
    name: path-matching
      thresholdMinPeers: 10

  - file: reportFile
      - hijack
      - path

Each monitor declaration is composed of:

Attribute Description
file Name of the file containing the monitor implementation. Monitor implementations are in the moniors directory.
channel The name of the channel that will be used by the monitor to dispatch messages. If the inserted name doesn't correspond to an already existent channel, a new channel is created.
name The name associated to the monitor. Multiple monitors with the same implementation can be loaded with different names. This name will be used to annotate messages in order track from where they are coming from.
params A dictionary of parameters that can be useful for the functioning of the monitor. Different monitors with the same implementation can be initialized with different parameters.

Each report declaration is composed of:

Attribute Description
file Name of the file containing the report implementation. Report implementations are in the reports directory.
params A dictionary of parameters that can be useful for the functioning of the report. It is common to have group declarations among the parameters. Different reports with the same implementation can be initialized with different parameters.
channels A list of channels the monitor will listen (never write). Different reports with the same implementation can be initialized with a different list of channels to listen.

Each connector is composed of:

Attribute Description
file Name of the file containing the connector implementation. Report implementations are in the connectors directory.
params A dictionary of parameters that can be useful for the functioning of the connector. E.g. the data source url, password, socket options
name The name that will be used to identify this connector and to annotate logs and messages.

Connectors will always send the BGP updates to all the channels. The BGP updates have all the same format.



It connects to RIPE RIS and receives BGP updates coming from 600+ peers.

Parameters for this connector module:

Parameter Description
url WebSocket end-point of RIS, which currently is wss://
subscription Dictionary containing the parameters required by RIS. Refer to the official documentation for details.


Connector used for testing purposes, it provokes all types of alerting. Needed to run the tests (npm run test) .



This monitor has the logic to detect basic hijack. In particular, it will monitor for all the declared prefixes and will trigger an alert when:

  • The origin AS of the prefix is different from the ones specified in the configuration.
  • A more specific of the prefix has been announced by an AS which is different from the ones specified.
  • The BGP update declares an AS_SET as origin and at least one of the AS in the AS_SET is not specified in the configuration.

Parameters for this monitor module:

Parameter Description
thresholdMinPeers Minimum number of peers that need to see the BGP update before to trigger an alert.


This monitor has the logic to detect loss of visibility. In particular, it will monitor for all the declared prefixes and will trigger an alert when:

  • The prefix is not visible anymore from at least thresholdMinPeers peers.

Parameters for this monitor module:

Parameter Description
thresholdMinPeers Minimum number of peers that need to see the BGP update before to trigger an alert.


This monitor detects BGP updates containing AS_PATH which match particular regular expressions.

Example: The prefixes list of BGPalerter has an entry such as:
   asn: 15562
   description: an example on path matching
   ignoreMorespecifics: false
   match: ".*2194,1234$"
   notMatch: ".*5054.*"
   matchDescription: detected scrubbing center

An alert will be generated when a BGP announcements for or a more specific contains an AS_PATH terminating in 2194,1234 but not containing 5054. The generated alert will report the matchDescription field.

More path matching options are available, see the entire list here

Parameters for this monitor module:

Parameter Description
thresholdMinPeers Minimum number of peers that need to see the BGP update before to trigger an alert.


This monitor has the logic to detect unexpected change of configuration in the form of new more specific prefixes announced by the correct AS.

In particular, it will monitor for all the declared prefixes and will trigger an alert when:

  • A sub-prefix of the monitored prefix starts to be announced by the same AS declared for the prefix.

Example: The prefixes list of BGPalerter has an entry such as:
   asn: 58302
   description: an example
   ignoreMorespecifics: false

If in config.yml monitorNewPrefix is enabled you will receive alerts every time a more specific prefix (e.g. is announced by AS58302.

Parameters for this monitor module:

Parameter Description
thresholdMinPeers Minimum number of peers that need to see the BGP update before to trigger an alert.


This monitor will listen for all announcements produced by the monitored Autonomous Systems and will detect when a prefix, which is not in the monitored prefixes list, is announced. This is useful if you want to be alerted in case your AS starts announcing something you didn't intend to announce (e.g. misconfiguration, typo).

Example: The prefixes list of BGPalerter has an options.monitorASns list declared, such as:
   asn: 58302
   description: an example
   ignoreMorespecifics: false

     group: default

If in config.yml monitorAS is enabled, you will receive alerts every time a prefix not already part of the prefixes list is announced by AS58302.

If AS58302 starts announcing an alert will be triggered. This happens because such prefix is not already monitored (it's not a sub prefix of

You can generate the options block in the prefixes list automatically. Refer to the options -s and -m in the auto genere prefixes documentation.

Parameters for this monitor module:

Parameter Description
thresholdMinPeers Minimum number of peers that need to see the BGP update before to trigger an alert.


Possible reports are:


This report module is the default one. It sends the alerts as verbose logs. To configure the logs see the configuration introduction.


This report module sends the alerts by email.

Parameters for this report module:

Parameter Description
showPaths Amount of AS_PATHs to report in the alert (0 to disable).
senderEmail The email address that will be used as sender for the alerts.
smtp A dictionary containing the SMTP configuration. Some parameters are described in config.yml.example. For all the options refer to the nodemailer documentation.
notifiedEmails A dictionary containing email addresses grouped by user groups. (key: group, value: list of emails)
notifiedEmails.default The default user group. Each user group is a list of emails. This group should contain at least the admin.


This report module sends alerts on Slack.

Parameters for this report module:

Parameter Description
colors A dictionary having as key the event channel and as value a hex color (string). These colors will be used to make messages in Slack distinguishable.
hooks A dictionary containing Slack WebHooks grouped by user group (key: group, value: WebHook).
hooks.default The default user group. Each user group is a WebHook (url).


This report sends the alerts (including the BGP messages triggering them) to Kafka. By default it creates a topic bgpalerter.

Parameters for this report module:

Parameter Description
host Host of the Kafka instance/broker (e.g. localhost).
port Port of the Kafka instance/broker (e.g. 9092).
topics A dictionary containing a mapping from BGPalerter channels to Kafka topics (e.g. hijack: hijack-topic). By default all channels are sent to the topic bgpalerter (default: bgpalerter)


This report module sends the alerts on Syslog.

Parameters for this report module:

Parameter Description
showPaths Amount of AS_PATHs to report in the alert (0 to disable).
host Host of the Syslog server (e.g. localhost).
port Port of the Syslog server (e.g. 514).
templates A dictionary containing string templates for each BGPalerter channels. If a channel doesn't have a template defined, the default template will be used (see config.yml.example for more details).