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Official Translations

UltimaOath edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 20 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.2.3 b542

UltimaOath is working on official translations of various pieces of LevelledMobs for use in a future multi-lingual update.

In the meantime, the files will be available here for download!

.yml - This represents a fully translated version of the file, as of the listed version.

EntityType - This represents a list of entities used for the entity-name-override: configuration option.

[3.2.3]-[5] - This represents the build from which the English version of the file was pulled, then the file-version: of that file.

German Translations | Deutsche Übersetzungen

French Translations | Traductions En Français

Spanish Translations | Traducciones Al EspaΓ±ol

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