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Developing with LevelledMobs

lokka30 edited this page Aug 3, 2021 · 8 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.1.0 b472

Maven Dependency

Add the JitPack repository.


Add the LevelledMobs dependency.

    <version>REPLACE ME</version>

Replace REPLACE ME with the latest version (not including build number!) of LevelledMobs, e.g. 3.1.0.

Accessing LevelledMobs directly

We offer the LevelInterface class to interact directly with LevelledMobs.


We also offer a bunch of events which you can listen to and modify.

You can prevent mobs from being levelled, run stuff after they have been levelled, and so on.


You may view the javadocs we have compiled so far.

These show our code documentation which we are gradually improving.

If you need assistance in using LevelledMobs with your plugin, please contact us! :)

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