Network device configuration backups and change alerts for the 21st century - inspired by RANCID!
- Stores device configs in Git
- Simple configuration file
- Single binary - only runtime dependency is Git
- Email notifications
- Built-in web status dashboard
- Embedded Cisco IOS/ASA and Juniper JunOS support
- Supports external collection scripts (such as clogin, jlogin, etc.)
- Currently supports Linux and OSX
- Download the sweet binary for your system:
- Make it executable: chmod 755 sweet32
- Create a minimal sweet.conf file with device access info:
method = cisco
user = sweetuser
pass = SecretPW4sweet
- Start sweet with: sweet32 --web sweet.conf
- Check out the web status at: http://localhost:5000
- All command-line flags can also be set in the config file.
- See the sample config for more options:
sweet [options] <config>
sweet -h --help
sweet --version
-w, --workspace <dir> Specify workspace directory [default: ./workspace].
-i, --interval <secs> Collection interval in secs [default: 300].
-c, --concurrency <num> Concurrent device collections [default: 30].
-t, --to <email@addr> Send change notifications to this email.
-f, --from <email@addr> Send change notifications from this email.
-s, --smtp <host:port> SMTP server connection info [default: localhost:25].
--insecure Accept untrusted SSH device keys.
--push Do a "git push" after committing changed configs.
--syslog Send log messages to syslog rather than stdout.
--timeout <secs> Device collection timeout in secs [default: 60].
--web Run an HTTP status server.
--weblisten <host:port> Host and port to use for HTTP status server [default: localhost:5000].
--version Show version.
-h, --help Show this screen.
- Randy Else:
- Trent R. Hein:
- Ned McClain:
- jcollie: