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Includes programs written in Java. You are welcome to contribute here!

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What does this repository contain?

This is a beginner-friendly repository which features programs in Java.

Can I contribute?

Yes! 😄 you can definitely contribute! The following are some of the things you can do -

  1. If you have a program written in Java that is not in the repository you can open up a PR. You can also open up a PR if you have another way of implementing a concept in the repo.
  2. Also, if you can see something wrong (maybe like an error or something), you can open up a PR.
  3. Another suggestion is if you can think of a creative way to explain any concept using markdown, you are welcome to contribute!

How can I contribute?

It is very easy to contribute, you may follow these steps -

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Make changes/ add things (if adding a new program please check the program list below to see if the program hasn't been implemented already)
  3. Add a comment at the top of your program describing what it does (e.g. "Program to demonstrate abstract classes in Java")
  4. If you add a new program, update the list of programs in the readme file
  5. Make sure to merge the latest master branch into your feature branch to avoid conflicts
  6. Open up a PR. It will be merged after review.


  1. Abstract Class - Program to demonstrate abstract classes in Java

  2. Rectangle Area - Calculates area of a rectangle

  3. Arithmetic exceptions - Program to show Arithmetic Exception Error handling

  4. Array Lists - Program to show list of strings in java

  5. Array Out Of Bounds - Program to show ArrayOutOfBoundsException Error handling

  6. Bank System - Using concepts of object-oriented programming develop solution for banking system (create account, deposit money, withdraw etc.)

  7. Book Shop - Class for book shop inventory management-

  8. Bubble Sort - Program to sort an array in Java (using bubble sort)

  9. Calculator - Calculator for basic math operations

  10. Circular Queue - Demonstrates implementation of a circular queue

  11. Complex Nums Ops - Program to demonstrate operations on complex numbers in Java

  12. Constructors - Program to demonstrate the use of constructors in Java

  13. Derived Constructor - Program to demonstrate the order of constructor call

  14. EduEmpDB - Program to simulate maintainance of a database of emplooyees, showcases thw relationships between the classes

  15. Edu Institute - Program to simulate student registration to an educational institute

  16. Exc Handling - Program to demonstrate crete an ararylist and update, delete and view elements in the list

  17. Except Throw - Program to demonstrate handling of a NullPointerException

  18. factoflargenum - Program to demonstrate Factorial of Large numbers in Java using BigInteger

  19. fibo - Program to fibonacci numbers until N

  20. For Loop - Program to demonstrate the use of for loop

  21. Functional Interfaces - Program to demonstrate how to use the Function and BiFunction functional interfaces

  22. Gen Class Method - Program to demonstrate method instanstiation in Java

  23. gen Prog - Demonstrates generic programming

  24. hello World - Simple Java helloworld program

  25. input - Program to demostrate accepting an input in java

  26. Integers - Simple java program to compare integers with each other.

  27. Integer To Word - This program converts numbers into its word counterparts.

  28. JavaC lasses - Program to demonstrate the use of classes and objects (basic)

  29. Largest Number - Program to demonstrate the use of if-else if-else statements

  30. Lists - Shows array list of strings, integers and linked list for numbers

  31. Matrix Addition - Program to add two matrices in Java

  32. Multiple Inheritance - Program to demonstrate multiple inheritance

  33. Nested Try - Program to demonstrate a nested try..catch

  34. Number To Roman - Program to convert a number to roman numerals

  35. Overloading - Program to demonstrate overloading in Java

  36. PrimeNo - Program to find out the prime numbers in a given range in Java

  37. Square Every Digit - This program finds the square of a number.

  38. Static Count - Program to demonstrates static count

  39. Static Member Functions - Program to demonstrate the use of static member functions -

  40. Student Interface - Shows implementation of an interface

  41. Sum Of Array Nos - Program to add all the numbers in an array

  42. Switch Case - Program to demonstrate switch case statements in Java

  43. This Pointer Explicit - Program to demonstrate 'this' pointer (explicit method)

  44. This Pointer Implicit - Program to demonstrate the use of 'this' pointer

  45. TwoDArrays - Program to demonstrate 2D arrays (Hard-coded)

  46. Wiggle Sorting - Program to demonstrate sorting an array using wiggle sort

  47. Palindrome- Program to check whether the number entered by user is palindrome or not

  48. Binary Search - Program to demonstrate sbinary search algorithm

  49. Heap Sort - Program that implements Heap Sort.

  50. Fibonacci Search - Program that implements Fibonacci search.

  51. Tic Tac Toe - Program to play tic-tac-toe game with computer.

  52. Prim's Algorithm to find the MST of a Graph - Program that implements Prim's Algorithm

  53. Interpolation search - Program that implements Interpolation search.

  54. Exponetional search - Program that implements Exponetional search.

  55. Exponetional search - Program that implements Soundex algorithm.

  56. BFS - For unweighted connected graph.

  57. DFS - For disconnected graph use the approach for checking connected components.

  58. Decimal to Binary - Convert decimal to binary.

  59. Dijkstra - Implements Dijkstra algorithm.

  60. Insertion Sort - Program that demonstrates insertion sort algorithm

  61. Selection Sort - Program that demonstrates selection sort algorithm

  62. Quick Sort - Program that demonstrates quick sort algorithm

  63. Merge Sort - Program that demonstrates merge sort algorithm

  64. Shell Sort - Program that demonstrates shell sort algorithm

  65. Income Tax Calculator - Income Tax Calculator program

  66. Bucket Sort - Program that demonstrates Bucket sort algorithm

  67. Rock Paper Scissor - Rock paper Scissor Game Program

  68. Trie_Implementation - Program that demonstrates the implementation of Trie Data Structure in Java.

  69. Ford Fulkerson - Program that demonstrates the implementation of FordFulkerson algorithm.

  70. Kruskal - Program that demonstrates the implementation of Kruskal's algorithm.

  71. GSSArray - Program demonstrates the working of Growable Self Sorting Array.

  72. Ceiling Floor - Program that demonstrates to find ceiling and floor number in an array

  73. Floyd Warshall Algorithm - Program for solving the All Pairs Shortest Path problem where to find shortest distances between every pair of vertices in a given edge weighted directed Graph.

  74. Find element with function interface - To find element at a index using function interface

  75. Rabin-Karp Algorithm - Program that demonstrates Rabin-Karp algorithm used for pattern matching and string searches

  76. Bellman Ford Algorithm - Program that demonstrates Bellman Ford algorithm used to find the shortest path from a vertex to all other vertices of a weighted graph.

  77. Huffman Coding - Program that demonstrates Huffman Coding for data compression.

  78. ADT Fraction Program - Program to demontrate how to deal with numarators and denomenator

  79. Number Array without duplicate elements - Program to demontrate Number array without duplicate elements

  80. Depth First Search - Program demonstrates Depth First Search algorithm

  81. Breath First Search - Program demonstrates Breath First Search algorithm

  82. Number Of Digits - Program demonstrates number of digits

  83. Circular integer Linkedlist - Program shows circular linkedlist operations

  84. SwitchingLetters - Program that demonstrates switching letters according to given indexes.

  85. Matrix Multiplication - Program to multiply two matrices.

  86. Sieve of Eratosthenes - Program to multiply two matrices.

  87. Reverse a LinkedList - Program to reverse a linkedList.

  88. Peg Solitaire - Peg Solitaire Game

  89. PrintPattern - Print Pattern using Nested For Loops.

  90. Two Sum - Sum of two elements which is equal to the target element.

  91. ToDO List - Simple ToDo list program.

  92. Ceaser Cipher Encryption - Encrypt Text with Ceaser Cipher Methodology.

  93. Recursion - Check if an Array is sorted using recursion.

  94. Patterns - Print out patterns in terminal (Steps included).

  95. Lucky Number - Program to check if the given number is a Lucky Number or not.

  96. Knapsack Problem - Program to solve the 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming Approach.

  97. Strassen's Multiplication - Program to multiply two square matrices using Strassen's Multiplication method.

  98. Xor Palindrome - Program/Solution to Xor Palindrome

  99. Streams API - Program to demo the Java Stream API with String and Integer Lists. 98.Stack-Program to demo the stack implementation 99.RotateLinkedList-Program to demo rotating a linked list

  100. ReverseString -Program to reverse a String using the java method substring. 101.Overriding-Program to demo overriding in java

Contributors -

A big thank you to all our contributors!!!

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Do ⭐ the repo if you find it useful!! ☺😇☺


Includes programs written in Java. You are welcome to contribute here!






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