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REST API Automation Test project using Rest Assured and Cucumber BDD .


  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven - build tool
  • Junit - test runner
  • Cucumber - BDD/Gherkin style feature files and Step Definitions
  • Rest assured - Rest api verification library

Setup Instruction

This is maven project , so start with

mvn clean install

BDD (Feature file / Step definition)

BDD requires a feature file to invoke the step definitions:

  • Create the scenarios in feature file as per the requirements, so each step in feature file has to match a step definition in class file;
  • Following the BDD practices for coding;
  • Using the special annotation like "@Before" which is the first method to run for each scenario. Moreover, this is the right place to set up the URI (endpoint) which will be called by HTTP request;


  • This project is aimed at calling Jsonplaceholder' API to validate the Posts. This is written in a feature file using Cucumber.
  • Each line of the scenario is tied to backend code that actually executes the line (step).

Verify JSON GET Request

Testing a simple response containing some JSON data.

    "userId": 1,
    "id": 1,
    "title": "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",
    "body": "quia et suscipit\nsuscipit recusandae consequuntur expedita et cum\nreprehenderit molestiae ut ut quas totam\nnostrum rerum est autem sunt rem eveniet architecto"
  • Status Code: 200 OK

Request not found

  • Status Code: 404 Not Found

JSON schema validation

  • The main goal is to ensure that the JSON format is correct as well as all data inside it. Therefore, it was created a json file (schema) and stored it in "resource" file in the package project. In the source-code is validated by the statement 'body(matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath(" file path json"))';

How it is done (source-code)

Passing Id by parameter in feature file and calling GET request

  • when().get("/" +Id)

Print in console the response

  • then().log().all();

Check the status code, so the expected status is passed by parameter in feature file

  • then().statusCode(Integer.parseInt(statusCode));

Check body response - In this case, the required format is JSON

  • then().assertThat().contentType(ContentType.JSON).and().body(matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath("schema-json.json"));


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