Prism MH Blender Extension
This plugin adds prism functionality to the prism Blender Plugin and it is not a replacement for it:
- Render Layer creation and Node managemet associated with it.
- Layers enabeling and disabeling with node muting and "use for rendering" chacking/unchecking for a complete solution.
- Layer basic properties management.
- No need to be on a layer to manage it.
- Version management.
- Network Rendering.
- Dedicated nodes for regular passes, Technical passes (32bits) and Cryptomattes (Multilayer).
- Save renders in a format compatible with Fusion and Nule plugins.
- Blender camera format for use with bmd Fusion.
*** Make sure to haveuse nodes enabled in the compositor before using *** This plugin has been tested in very controlled environments, any bugs found please report them as an issue in this github page.
This plugin needs Python 3.9 or upwards to work.
- Unzip and paste the Fusion folder (contains integration, presets, scripts, userinterfaces) in the location you want the plugin to be.
- Go to settings > Plugins.
- Drag and drop the file "" to the loaded plugins area (a green dashed outline should apear.)
- Restart prism.
- Open Blender.