All inclusive web team is an organization of web developers and coders who want to build interesting projects and real use applications. The goal of AIWT's is to create a space for developers and coders to meet people with similar interests, learn, code, and to push past our limits.
If you are interested in contributing to the project, take a look at the Github issues. If there is something you're interested in working on, just leave a comment on that issue. If you'd like to work on something else, go ahead and create a new issue.
Most of our communication happens on the AIWT Discord server which is open for anyone to join. Use the link to join and post a messeage introducing yourself and what interests you have. This project's discussion happens on the #forum-project channel.
Project Dependencies: Node(version 16.11.1 or higher), PostgreSQL(version 13.8 or higher) Older versions may work with this project but to avoid getting any unforeseen bugs, we recommend using the versions listed above.
In your terminal go to directory forum-project/frontend/ and run npm install. Now the frontend is good to go and doesn't require any further set up. Then in your terminal go to directory forum-project/backend/ and run npm install. All modules will be installed but the backend does require further set up.
In your terminal, go to directory forum-project/backend/schemas/forum_schema/. From there, start postgres by running psql, then the command \i forum_schema.sql. If all goes well, your db should be all set and ready to go and the project set up is complete. If you run into errors, please reach out for help on the discord server.