Releases: AlanChatham/UnoJoy
UnoJoy! Release for Windows
A couple of fixes, and an update to the Processing Visualizer.
The d-pad pressures are fixed, thanks phaseIV!
Processing Visualizer updated to work with the current version of ControlP5, kind of relies on you having Processing installed, since the .exe didn't seem to want to work on it's own.
UnoJoy! for Windows
All the files you need for UnoJoy! in Windows, without any of that OSX stuff wasting space.
UnoJoy! for OSX
Includes drivers for Yosemite! Incredible, it's like I'm actually getting drivers together earlier than like a year after the OS comes out....
UnoJoy! release for Mac OSX Mountain Lion. Unzip and you should be good to go!
This only contains the files you'll need for using stock UnoJoy! on OSX, so if you need to use LeoJoy! or MegaJoy!, you'll probably want to clone or download the whole repository.