- Filter Empty
- Round Numbers
- Rows Filter
- Row Size
- Row Validator
- Convert Currency
- Duplicate Column
- Integer Manipulation
- Replace Row
- Split Text
Filter empty columns in the dataset.
To avoid empty columns in the dataset, you can either delete the entire row containing empty column, or set a given value to the empty fields.
filter-empty :column
filter-empty :column 'keep','fillValue';
Round decimal numbers to the nearest Integer.
Used to convert values of a specific column of any type (floating-point, string) to the nearest Integer.
round-numbers :column
Filter rows according to the given criteria.
Used to filter rows containing numeric data according to the given type (bigger, smaller) and given value (integer) to be compared with.
rows-filter :column 'smaller','30';
Calculate size of a row.
Used to calculate the size in bytes, of a row containing data of type string and stores the value in a new column.
Validate date consistency of a row.
Used to calculate the data consistency of a row, by checking the percentage of non-empty columns.
convert-currency is a UDD that converts a currency to another chosen currency. This UDD takes three arguments: the column name, what currency is tha data in that column and in what currency to convert it. It accepts only USD,EUR and CAD.
Used to convert currency's from one to another.
For example, we have the column Money which is in US Dollars, and we want to convert it to EURO
convert-currency :Money 'USD','EUR'
duplicate-column is a UDD that duplicates a chosen column with a new name, the rows are unchanged.
Used when you need the same data but labeled in a different name.
For example, we have the column name StartDate, but we want to have another column with same data but with a new name StartDateSalary.
duplicate-column :StartDate 'StartDateSalary'
int-manipulation is a UDD that allows you to manipulate with number in a chosen column. You can add, subtract, multiply, division.
Used when you need to manipulate numbers in a given column.
For example, we have a column with name Price, and we want to increase each row by ten.
int-manipulation :Price '+','10'
replace-row is a UDD that allows you to change the values of rows based on their previous values.
Used when you need to change values of chosen rows to another desired value.
For example, we have a column with a name Weekday, and we want to change rows with value Sunday to a new value Saturday.
replace-row :Weekday 'Sunday','Saturday'
split-text is a UDD that allows you to split the text of rows in a chosen column in two parts and add them in two new different columns.
Used when you need to split text for example emails splitting them in username and domain.
For example, we have a column with name Email, and we want to separate the username from the domain.
split-text :Email '@'