A versatile chat platform that prioritizes performance, privacy, and ergonomics.
- Site: https://adapt.chat
- App: https://app.adapt.chat
- Find us on Adapt: https://adapt.chat/invite/Sy0HSbiR
- Discord server: https://adapt.chat/discord
- Essence (Database and shared models): https://github.com/AdaptChat/essence
- Webserver (REST API): https://github.com/AdaptChat/webserver
- Harmony (WebSocket): https://github.com/AdaptChat/harmony
- Convey (CDN): https://github.com/AdaptChat/convey
- Root endpoint: https://api.adapt.chat
- API Documentation and Playground (SwaggerUI): https://api.adapt.chat/docs
- OpenAPI Specification (v3.0.3):
- TypeScript auto-generated definitions: https://github.com/AdaptChat/adapt-types
- WebSocket (harmony): wss://harmony.adapt.chat
- CDN (convey): https://convey.adapt.chat