Status: Released
The 3.2 release is the third release in the 3.x series. This release is a maintenance release, fixing two issues in the 3.1 release.
- General:
- Bug fix: Multi-context usage of the library could result in poor quality block encodings or decompressed images if a new context was allocated while an image was being compressed or decompressed using another context.
- Bug fix: Invalid block encodings that could not be encoded in the available bitrate are more consistently rejected during decompression.
Binary release sha256 checksums
a5de27ffd291bb2ae4d1ecd68e563ddfd60d1ead6022abe46d34ef141968ce6b astcenc-3.2-linuxx64.zip
2f4dee7aa61e9b0728a5f558520c117cd9107753ef5d8a2bbab502761dc21417 astcenc-3.2-macosaarch64.zip
0a76024c92e6205cad661481551051a84673e5dda1d0d83c6d0541d964b06a95 astcenc-3.2-macosx64.zip
1e6b526841f5f721a6c154df18ed5e0493e34539b3149fe1ad46f54e08d6bdf7 astcenc-3.2-windowsx64.zip