This repository presents the source code for analyzing an Urban IoT Activity Dataset. It helps with generating attacks on the datasets and a neural network model for detecting them.
The requirements.txt file contains the modules needed to run these scripts and can be installed by running the following command in the terminal:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
The project config file can be found in /source_code. The path to the output directory can be set in this file.
Before running any code, the original dataset need to be unzip in the /dataset directory. One python scripts can be found in /source_code/clean_dataset folder for pre-processing the original dataset.
This file genrates the bening_dataset which has N nodes and each node has time entries starting from the beginning to the end of original dataset with a step of time_step.
- Input Dataset
- Number of nodes
- Timestep
- Benign dataset
Three python scripts can be found in /source_code/stats folder for generating the statistics of the benign dataset.
This script generates the plots of active nodes percentage vs time.
- Benign dataset
- Plots of active nodes percentage vs time.
This script generates the plot of Pearson correlation of nodes vs their distance.
- Benign dataset
- Plot of Pearson correlation of nodes vs their distance
This script generates the histograms of nodes active and inactive mean time vs time of the day.
- Benign dataset
- Plot histograms of nodes active and inactive mean time vs time of the day
One python scripts can be found in /source_code/attack_emulation folder for generating DDoS attack on the original dataset.
This script genrates the attacked dataset by considering the ratio of the nodes that are under attack, the attack duration, and also the attack start dates.
- Bening dataset
- Number of attack days
- Attack ratio
- Attack duration
- Attack start dates
- Attacked dataset
Three python scripts can be found in /source_code/nn_training folder for generating the labeled training and testing dataset, train a feed-forward neural network, and generating the results of training.
This script generates the training data by considering the different time windows for averaging the occupancies on the nodes.
- Attacked dataset
- Averaging time windows
- Training dataset
This script create a feed-forward neural network to train on the training dataset for detecting the attackers. The scrip save the final model and also the epochs logs and weights.
- Training dataset
- Number of epochs
- Trained neural network model with epochs' logs and weights
This script provides analysis like, accuracy, loss, confusion matrix, etc. based on the trained model. Furthermore, it plots that true positive, false positive, and true attacks versus time.
- Training dataset
- Trained neural network model
- General analysis on the training like accuracy, loss, confusion matrix, etc.
- Plots of true positive, false positive, and true attacks versus time for different attack ratios and durations
This material is based upon work supported in part by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR001120C0160 for the Open, Programmable, Secure 5G (OPS-5G) program. Any views, opinions, and/or findings expressed are those of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.