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Add new inputs for flame_wave runs with CNO_He_burn
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yut23 committed Aug 12, 2024
1 parent 36c0aaf commit b090ddb
Showing 1 changed file with 168 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# ------------------ INPUTS TO MAIN PROGRAM -------------------
max_step = 250000000
stop_time = 3.0

geometry.is_periodic = 0 0
geometry.coord_sys = 1 # 0 => cart, 1 => RZ 2=>spherical
geometry.prob_lo = 0 0
geometry.prob_hi = 9.8304e4 2.4576e4
amr.n_cell = 384 192

# >>>>>>>>>>>>> BC FLAGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# 0 = Interior 3 = Symmetry
# 1 = Inflow 4 = SlipWall
# 2 = Outflow 5 = NoSlipWall
# >>>>>>>>>>>>> BC FLAGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
castro.lo_bc = 3 3
castro.hi_bc = 2 2

castro.fill_ambient_bc = 1
castro.ambient_fill_dir = 1
castro.ambient_outflow_vel = 1

castro.allow_non_unit_aspect_zones = 1

castro.domain_is_plane_parallel = 1

castro.do_hydro = 1
castro.do_react = 1
castro.do_rotation = 1
castro.do_grav = 1
castro.do_sponge = 1

castro.small_temp = 1.e6
castro.small_dens = 1.e-5

castro.ppm_type = 1
castro.grav_source_type = 2
castro.use_pslope = 1
castro.pslope_cutoff_density = 1.e4

gravity.gravity_type = ConstantGrav
gravity.const_grav = -1.5e14

castro.rotational_period = 0.001
castro.rotation_include_centrifugal = 0

castro.diffuse_temp = 1
castro.diffuse_cutoff_density_hi = 5.e4
castro.diffuse_cutoff_density = 2.e4

castro.diffuse_cond_scale_fac = 1.0

castro.react_rho_min = 1.e2
castro.react_rho_max = 5.e6

castro.react_T_min = 6.e7

castro.sponge_upper_density = 1.e2
castro.sponge_lower_density = 1.e0
castro.sponge_timescale = 1.e-7

# GPU options
castro.hydro_memory_footprint_ratio = 3

castro.cfl = 0.8 # cfl number for hyperbolic system
castro.init_shrink = 0.1 # scale back initial timestep
castro.change_max = 1.1 # max time step growth

castro.use_retry = 1
castro.max_subcycles = 16

castro.retry_small_density_cutoff = 10.0

castro.abundance_failure_tolerance = 0.1
castro.abundance_failure_rho_cutoff = 1.0

castro.sum_interval = 100 # timesteps between computing mass
castro.v = 1 # verbosity in Castro.cpp
amr.v = 1 # verbosity in Amr.cpp
amr.run_log = run_log
amr.run_log_terse = run_log_terse

amr.max_level = 2 # maximum level number allowed
amr.ref_ratio = 4 2 2 2 # refinement ratio
amr.regrid_int = 0 # static grids ftw
amr.blocking_factor = 32 # block factor in grid generation
amr.max_grid_size = 128
amr.n_error_buf = 2 2 2 2 # number of buffer cells in error est

amr.check_file = flame_wave_chk # root name of checkpoint file
amr.check_int = 1000 # number of timesteps between checkpoints

amr.checkpoint_files_output = 1

amr.plot_file = flame_wave_H_He_plt # root name of plotfile
amr.plot_per = 2.e-3 # number of seconds between plotfiles
amr.derive_plot_vars = ALL
amr.plot_files_output = 1

amr.small_plot_file = flame_wave_H_He_smallplt # root name of plotfile
amr.small_plot_per = 2.e-4 # number of seconds between plotfiles
amr.small_plot_vars = density Temp
amr.derive_small_plot_vars = abar x_velocity y_velocity z_velocity X(H1) X(He4) X(ash) enuc

# write plotfiles in single-precision
fab.format = NATIVE_32

amr.file_name_digits = 7 # pad step number with zeros if needed

# don't write plotfiles when a stop is requested with dump_and_stop
amr.write_plotfile_with_checkpoint = 0
castro.output_at_completion = 0

# problem initialization

problem.dtemp = 1.2e9 # added to T_hi in the hot region
problem.x_half_max = 2.56e4
problem.x_half_width = 2048.e0

problem.dens_base = 3.43e6

problem.T_star = 2.e8
problem.T_hi = 2.e8
problem.T_lo = 8.e6

problem.H_star = 2000.e0
problem.atm_delta = 50.0

# helper values for initial composition
other_frac = 0.01
h_frac = 0.10

problem.fuel1_name = "hydrogen-1"
problem.fuel1_frac = h_frac

problem.fuel2_name = "helium-4"
problem.fuel2_frac = "1.0 - h_frac - other_frac"

problem.fuel3_name = "oxygen-14"
problem.fuel3_frac = "0.35 * other_frac"

problem.fuel4_name = "oxygen-15"
problem.fuel4_frac = "0.65 * other_frac"

problem.ash1_name = "nickel-56"
problem.ash1_frac = 1.0

problem.low_density_cutoff = 1.e-4

problem.tag_by_density = 0
problem.refine_height = 3600.0
problem.max_base_tagging_level = 3

# Microphysics

integrator.rtol_spec = 1.e-5
integrator.atol_spec = 1.e-5

integrator.use_burn_retry = 1

network.use_tables = 1

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