Abiturnoten Rchner für iOS 14 oder höher.
- Abiturschnitt berechnen
- Fächerdurchschnitt berechnen
- Daten als JSON exportieren und importieren
- (optional) Automatische Fächerfarben
- Berechnung Auswirkung neuer Note
- Deaktivieren von Halbjahren
- mehrere Notentypen mit variabler Gewichtung
- Sprachen: 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
git clone https://github.com/AKORA-Studios/Calq
- Open the workspace file in Xcode
- Use CMD + R to run the app sheme named "Calq"
- iOS 14.1+
- Xcode Xcode 12.1
If you encounter any issues or have improvment suggestions open a ticket
Or if you want to change smth yourself or have any suggestions how to solve an open issue, fork the repository (stable
branch pls), create a new branch describing your change/issue, then create a mergerequest explaining what you changed. Pls name your commits somewhere usefull. If you have a lot of commits pls squash them for the pr.
Note: This project uses SwiftLint to ensure a readble code style.
- native SwiftUI, no other dependencies needed uwu
- There are no other dependencies included in this project (so no cocoapods or swift packages)
- Every View/Screen ideally should have its own viewmodel (Reference Link)
- Every Screen Class (like Settings for example) with its Viewmodels and Subscreens should have its own Folder
- Reusable Views should have their own file in
, exmaple: Charts - Screens should be in /Screens, Tests in Tests etc.
- Reusable Views should have their own file in
- To save data the project uses CoreData and UserDefaults for more unimportant things like for exmaple the last AppVersion
- Changes to the CoreData Model: bump the model version and if needed create a mapping Model here is a good example how to do that
Heres a brief overview of all screens and important things in the app, since the naming is sometimes kinda confusing for gradeList for example.
Idk if you are really really interested heres an ER-Model of the CoreData stuff
Future features sind in dem Reiter Projekte aufgelistet. Du hast einen weiteren Verbesserungsvorschlag? Hier kannst du eines vorschlagen. Alternativ schreib einfach eine Nachricht aufm Discord ;3
Calq is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.