Title: R-Code: Download, Analysis and Visualization of Google Trends Data of Pesticide and Popular Initiative related search terms
We provide here the R-code for reproducing Schaub et al (2020).
The code allows to: i) download Google Trends data used in the analysis ii) estimate structural breaks iii) visualize results
The code is structured into
- a script for downloading and first preparation of Google Trends data (‘pesticide_trends_data_download.R’)
- a script for further data preparation as well as analysis and visualization of data (‘pesticide_trends_data_preparation_analysis_visualization.R’),
References: Schaub, S., Huber, R. & Finger, R 2020. Tracking societal concerns on pesticides – A Google Trends analysis. Environmental Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab9af5