This repository contains a Worker REST API CRUD application developed using PHP and Laravel, purposed to be served through Docker. The application was developed as part of the onboarding process with the leading internet service provider in Azerbaijan. The API allows you to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on worker entities.
The API endpoints and their corresponding functionalities are documented below:
GET /api/workers: Get a list of all workers. GET /api/workers/{id}: Get the details of a specific worker. POST /api/workers: Create a new worker. PUT /api/workers/{id}: Update the details of a specific worker. DELETE /api/workers/{id}: Delete a specific worker.
If you wish to make changes to the application, you can follow these guidelines:
The source code for the application is located in the app directory. The routes for the API endpoints can be found in routes/api.php. The controllers for handling the API requests are located in app/Http/Controllers. Database migrations can be found in database/migrations. Model definitions can be found in app/Models. Unit tests can be added to the tests/Unit directory.