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Mediaserver setup (advanced)

Qais Patankar edited this page Feb 7, 2020 · 1 revision

Matterbridge is not going to implement it's own "mediaserver" instead we make use of other tools that are good at this sort of stuff. This mediaserver will be used to upload media to services that don't have support for uploading images/video/files.
At this moment this is xmpp, gitter and irc

There are 2 options to set this up:

  • You already have a webserver running
    • Matterbridge runs on the same server see local download
    • Matterbridge runs on another server. If the webserver is using caddy, see caddy
  • You don't have a webserver running

Use remote upload


In this case we're using caddy for upload/downloading media. Caddy has automatic https support, so I'm going to describe this for https only.

caddy install / configuration

Go to
Enable http.upload as plugin

Make sure the process you're running caddy with has read/write access to /var/www/upload/

Sample Caddyfile {
   log stdout
   root /var/www/upload/
   basicauth /web/upload a_user a_password
   upload /upload {
      to "/var/www/upload/"

matterbridge configuration

configuration needs to happen in [general]

MediaServerUpload="https://a_user:[email protected]/upload"

Use local download

In this case we're using matterbridge to download to a local path your webserver has read access to and matterbridge has write access to. Matterbridge is running on this same server.

matterbridge configuration

In this example the local path matterbridge has write access to is /var/www/matterbridge

Your server (apache, nginx, ...) exposes this on (nginx, apache configuration is out of scope)

configuration needs to happen in [general]


When using the local download configuration, matterbridge does not clean up any of the content it downloads to the Mediaserver path.


If you run into issues with the amount of storage available, then it is advised to do an automated cleanup which is to be done externally (i.e. via cron). An example of a clean up script and two examples of cron jobs are provided below. These represent the minimal amount of effort needed to handle this and don't take into account any ability to customize much.

find /path/to/matterbridge/media -mindepth 1 -mtime +30 -delete

This will delete all downloaded content that is more than 30 days old (but not the media directory itself, due to the use of -mindepth 1). You should adjust the path and the max age to suit your own needs. It may be helpful to look at the find manual page.

To run the script as the user running matterbridge, execute crontab -e and add the following line to the bottom of the file:

@daily /path/to/

If you want to run it as root, you probably shouldn't (fix your file permissions instead). However, you can add the script to /etc/cron.daily: cp /path/to/ /etc/cron.daily. This will execute it daily automatically in most Redhat and Debian based Linux distros.

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