Haskell grammar for tree-sitter.
Note This grammar needs at least tree-sitter 0.19.4
and C++-14.
When installing the grammar from source, be sure to include the scanner in the source files:
lua <<EOF
local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs()
parser_config.haskell = {
install_info = {
url = "~/path/to/tree-sitter-haskell",
files = {"src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc"}
Depending on what compilers are installed in your system, it may be necessary to force nvim-treesitter
to use a
specific one to satisfy the C++-14 requirement (see
this issue for more info):
lua require'nvim-treesitter.install'.compilers = { "clang" }
" or
lua require'nvim-treesitter.install'.compilers = { "clang++" }
lua require'nvim-treesitter.install'.compilers = { "gcc" }
If you get loads of C++ errors when building the parser, a workaround might be to install GCC with homebrew
, in
addition to selecting gcc
as the compiler used by tree-sitter, as described for Neovim in the previous section.
First, run this command in a terminal:
$ brew install gcc
This may not be enough, since clang
might still be used by default.
You can find out whether the gcc
executable is linked to something else with:
$ ls -l $(which gcc)
If this doesn't point to something like gcc-11
, you can remove it (if it is a symlink) and/or link the real gcc-N
binary to a bin
directory that's at the head of your $PATH
, something like:
ln -sf /opt/homebrew/bin/gcc-11 /usr/local/bin/gcc
or this for earlier versions of homebrew.
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/gcc-11 /usr/local/bin/gcc
These extensions are supported ✅, unsupported ❌ or not applicable because they don't involve parsing ➖️:
- AllowAmbiguousTypes ➖️
- ApplicativeDo ➖️
- Arrows ❌
- BangPatterns ✅
- BinaryLiterals ✅
- BlockArguments ✅
- CApiFFI ✅
- ConstrainedClassMethods ✅
- ConstraintKinds ✅
- CPP ✅
- CUSKs ✅
- DataKinds ✅
- DatatypeContexts ✅
- DefaultSignatures ✅
- DeriveAnyClass ➖️
- DeriveDataTypeable ➖️
- DeriveFoldable ➖️
- DeriveFunctor ➖️
- DeriveGeneric ➖️
- DeriveLift ➖️
- DeriveTraversable ➖️
- DerivingStrategies ✅
- DerivingVia ✅
- DisambiguateRecordFields ➖️
- DuplicateRecordFields ➖️
- EmptyCase ✅
- EmptyDataDecls ✅
- EmptyDataDeriving ✅
- ExistentialQuantification ✅
- ExplicitForAll ✅
- ExplicitNamespaces ✅
- ExtendedDefaultRules ➖️
- FlexibleContexts ✅
- FlexibleInstances ✅
- ForeignFunctionInterface ✅
- FunctionalDependencies ✅
- GADTs ✅
- GADTSyntax ✅
- GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving ➖️
- GHCForeignImportPrim ✅
- Haskell2010 ➖️
- Haskell98 ➖️
- HexFloatLiterals ✅
- ImplicitParams ✅
- ImplicitPrelude ➖️
- ImportQualifiedPost ✅
- ImpredicativeTypes ➖️
- IncoherentInstances ➖️
- InstanceSigs ✅
- InterruptibleFFI ✅
- KindSignatures ✅
- LambdaCase ✅
- LexicalNegation ❌
- LiberalTypeSynonyms ✅
- LinearTypes ✅
- MagicHash ✅
- Modifiers ❌
- MonadComprehensions ➖️
- MonadFailDesugaring ➖️
- MonoLocalBinds ➖️
- MonomorphismRestriction ➖️
- MultiParamTypeClasses ✅
- MultiWayIf ✅
- NamedFieldPuns ✅
- NamedWildCards ✅
- NegativeLiterals ➖️
- NondecreasingIndentation ❌
- NPlusKPatterns ➖️
- NullaryTypeClasses ✅
- NumDecimals ➖️
- NumericUnderscores ✅
- OverlappingInstances ➖️
- OverloadedLabels ✅
- OverloadedLists ➖️
- OverloadedStrings ➖️
- PackageImports ✅
- ParallelListComp ✅
- PartialTypeSignatures ✅
- PatternGuards ✅
- PatternSynonyms ✅
- PolyKinds ➖️
- PostfixOperators ➖️
- QualifiedDo ✅
- QuantifiedConstraints ✅
- QuasiQuotes ✅
- Rank2Types ✅
- RankNTypes ✅
- RebindableSyntax ➖️
- RecordWildCards ➖️
- RecursiveDo ✅
- RoleAnnotations ✅
- Safe ➖️
- ScopedTypeVariables ✅
- StandaloneDeriving ✅
- StandaloneKindSignatures ✅
- StarIsType ✅
- StaticPointers ❌
- Strict ➖️
- StrictData ➖️
- TemplateHaskell ✅
- TemplateHaskellQuotes ✅
- TraditionalRecordSyntax ➖️
- TransformListComp ✅
- Trustworthy ➖️
- TupleSections ✅
- TypeApplications ✅
- TypeFamilies ✅
- TypeFamilyDependencies ✅
- TypeInType ✅
- TypeOperators ✅
- TypeSynonymInstances ➖️
- UnboxedSums ✅
- UnboxedTuples ✅
- UndecidableInstances ➖️
- UndecidableSuperClasses ➖️
- UnicodeSyntax ✅
- UnliftedFFITypes ➖️
- UnliftedNewtypes ✅
- Unsafe ➖️
- ViewPatterns ✅
Preprocessor #elif
and #else
directives cannot be handled correctly, since the parser state would have to be
manually reset to what it was at the #if
As a workaround, the code blocks in the alternative branches are parsed as part of the directives.
is not supported (yet?).
A strange edge case is when an infix operator follows an expression statement of a do block with an indent of less or equal the do
's layout column:
f = do
>>= doSomething
The >>=
causes the do
's layout to be terminated, resulting in an AST similar to
f = (do readSomething) >>= doSomething
This is checked heuristically, probably unreliably.