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Sergey edited this page May 13, 2013 · 4 revisions

How to install

  1. You will need PHP 5 and Redis
  1. Then get last distributive and copy all files to you www server directory (for example name it "crown")
  2. Open http://youserverip/crown/admin page and login with "admin" name and password
  3. Add new project ("Add" button at left-down corner), double click it
  • Server URL: http://youserverip/crown/server
  • Default deploy key: "admin"
  • Then click Test (if all ok - you will get the message)
  • Then Add new Redis database (in the next tab) with name "main", DB 0 and "Free" enabled, in that database will be stored all your user profiles (name, level and other public data)
  • Then Add as many other databases with any names, this is will be your node (or spots), where you will save any detailed users data (items, quests etc), if you will set "Free" to false, new users will add to other DB
  1. Now you can manage your server without any code (all changes will set to server automaticly on OK button click)


  1. You can scale main database with replics, on any DB operations - you can set read or read/write type operations, so replics will be used for all read only operations
  2. You can scale spots with users count limit (100k per spot for example) and with replics
  3. You can use to automaticly copy all files with your Nginx server from one main server (where you will change the code), and then set nginx based balancer to this servers. So as result you will change parameters of the main server from admin page, and all other php servers will be updated as replics.

What is grids?

Grids is any data types that you can use in your PHP server plugins Like that: CrownGrids::getGridJSON("grid_name")

How to add new functions?

You can add new plugins to server as php files. And then add it to server from admin page (there is plugins list, just add it). For example: GameItems,GameAPI etc

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