Python wrapper for Zoltán Szabó's HFK Calculator.
To install and test, do the following to install the current release from PyPI:
python3 -m pip install knot_floer_homology python3 -m knot_floer_homology.test
You should see a result such as TestResults(failed=0, attempted=24)
In Python, do:
>>> import knot_floer_homology >>> PD = [(2,0,3,15),(0,6,1,5),(6,2,7,1),(3,10,4,11),(9,4,10,5),(7,12,8,13),(13,8,14,9),(11,14,12,15)] >>> knot_floer_homology.pd_to_hfk(PD) {'L_space_knot': False, 'epsilon': 0, 'fibered': True, 'modulus': 2, 'nu': 0, 'ranks': {(-2, -2): 1, (-1, -1): 2, (0, 0): 3, (1, 1): 2, (2, 2): 1}, 'seifert_genus': 2, 'tau': 0, 'total_rank': 9}
It also accepts Spherogram knots as input:
>>> import spherogram >>> L = spherogram.Link('K10n10') >>> ans = knot_floer_homology.pd_to_hfk(L) >>> ans['seifert_genus'] 3
It can also return the simplified UV = 0 knot Floer chain complex, do:
>>> help(knot_floer_homology.pd_to_hfk)
for details.
Copyright Zoltán Szabó, Marc Culler, Nathan M. Dunfield, and Matthias Goerner, 2017-present. This code is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation.