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OpenGL: splitting all modern OpenGL classes into their own pyx files.
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unhyperbolic committed Jan 27, 2024
1 parent 0712695 commit efdf727
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,123 additions and 1,121 deletions.
1,129 changes: 8 additions & 1,121 deletions opengl/CyOpenGL.pyx

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions opengl/modern/data_based_texture.pyx
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
cdef class DataBasedTexture:
cdef GLuint _textureName

def __cinit__(self):
self._textureName = 0

def __init__(self,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
unsigned char[:] rgba_data):

if rgba_data.size != 4 * width * height:
raise RuntimeError("Length of rgba_data not matching")

glGenTextures(1, &self._textureName)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._textureName)

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,


glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)

def bind(self):
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._textureName)

def unbind(self):
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)

def delete_resource(self):
glDeleteTextures(1, &self._textureName)
self._textureName = 0
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions opengl/modern/glsl_perspective_view.pyx
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@

# Module-level utilities for handling 4x4 matrices, represented as
# 1-dimensional arrays in column-major order (M[i,j] = A[i + 4*j]).

cdef mat4_multiply(GLfloat *left, GLfloat *right, GLfloat *result):
Multiply two 4x4 matrices represented as 1-dimensional arrays in
column-major order. If the result matrix is equal to either of
the operands, the multiplication will be done in place.
cdef GLfloat temp[16]
cdef GLfloat *product = result
if result == right or result == left:
product = temp
cdef int i, j, k
for i in range(4):
for j in range(0, 16, 4):
product[i + j] = 0
for k in range(4):
product[i + j] += left[i + 4*k] * right[k + j]
if product == temp:
for i in range(16):
result[i] = temp[i]

cdef inline mat4_set_to_identity(GLfloat *matrix):
Set a 4x4 matrix to the identity.
cdef int i, j
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
matrix[i + 4*j] = 1.0 if i == j else 0.0

cdef class GLSLPerspectiveView:
Mixin class to create a perspective view using GLSL. An object of
this class maintains a model view matrix, a projection matrix and the
product of the two. These are made available to the shaders by
# Rotates about a line through the origin.
cdef GLfloat _rotation[16]
# Translates center to origin, rotates, then translates into view.
cdef GLfloat _model_view[16]
# Maps the perspective frustrum to the standard cube.
cdef GLfloat _projection[16]
# Combined transformation, passed to the shader as uniform data.
cdef GLfloat _mvp[16]
# Parameters to control the perspective view and the position of
# the model relative to the visible frustrum. These are exposed
# as properties.
cdef GLfloat _vertical_fov, _near, _far, _distance
cdef GLfloat _center[3]

def __cinit__(self):
self._vertical_fov = 30.0
self._near = 1.0
self._far = 100.0
self._distance = 10.0
self._center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

def vertical_fov(self):
return self._vertical_fov
def vertical_fov(self, GLfloat value):
self._vertical_fov = value

def near(self):
return self._near
def near(self, GLfloat value):
self._near = value

def far(self):
return self._far
def far(self, GLfloat value):
self._far = value

def distance(self):
return self._distance
def distance(self, GLfloat value):
self._distance = value

def center(self):
cdef int i
return [self._center[i] for i in range(3)]
def center(self, vector):
cdef int i
for i in range(3):
self._center[i] = vector[i]

cdef compute_mvp(self, width, height):
First compute the so-called projection matrix, which is actually
the matrix of an orientation reversing affine transformation.
Assume that 0 < n < f and consider the rectangular cone in R^3
which has its apex at the origin and is centered on the negative
z-axis. The vertical angle of the cone, i.e. the vertical field
of view, is given in degrees by the vertical_fov attribute of this
object. The region which is visible in the perspective view is
the frustrum of this cone consisting of points which lie between
the "near plane" z = -self.near and the "far plane" z = -self.far.
Everything outside of ths frustrum is clipped away.
The rectangular faces of the frustrum which lie respectively in
the near and far plane are called the near and far rectangles. By
the standard cube we mean the cube with vertices (+-1, +-1,
+-1). The affine map represented by the projection matrix maps the
near rectangle to the bottom face of the standard cube and maps
the far rectangle to the top face of the standard cube. The
orientations of the x and y axes are preserved while the
orientation of the z-axis is reversed.
While the (non-singular) projection matrix is obviously not a
projection in the sense of linear algebra, after the vertex shader
computes the locations of all vertices, GL automatically clips to
the standard cube, projects to the xy-plane and then applies an
affine map which sends the image of the cube onto the viewport
rectangle. If the vertex shader applies this affine map to each
input vertex location, the effect is to render the objects inside
the frustrum in perspective.
Finally, compute the product of the projection matrix, the
translation matrix (which translates the model center to a point
on the negative z-axis) and the rotation matrix.
cdef GLfloat ymax = self._near * tan(self._vertical_fov *pi/360.0)
cdef GLfloat aspect = float(width)/float(height)
cdef GLfloat xmax = ymax * aspect
cdef GLfloat n = self._near, f = self._far
cdef GLfloat *M = self._projection
# Fill in the entries of the "projection" in column-major order.
M[0] = n/xmax; M[1] = M[2] = M[3] = 0.0
M[4] = 0; M[5] = n/ymax; M[6] = M[7] = 0.0
M[8] = M[9] = 0.0; M[10] = -(f + n)/(f - n); M[11] = -1.0
M[12] = M[13] = 0.0; M[14] = -2.0*n*f/(f - n); M[15] = 0.0
# Construct the model view matrix.
self.translate(-self._center[0], -self._center[1], -self._center[2])
mat4_multiply(self._rotation, self._model_view, self._model_view)
self.translate(0, 0, -self._distance)
# Construct the MVP matrix.
mat4_multiply(self._projection, self._model_view, self._mvp)

cpdef translate(self, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z):
Multiply the model view matrix by a translation matrix, without
doing unnecessary arithmetic.
cdef int i
cdef GLfloat a
cdef GLfloat *M = self._model_view
for i in range(0,16,4):
a = M[i+3]
M[i] += x*a
M[i+1] += y*a
M[i+2] += z*a

cpdef rotate(self, GLfloat theta, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z):
Update self._rotation by multiplying by a rotation matrix with
angle theta and axis given by a unit vector <x,y,z>. The caller
is responsible for normalizing the axial vector.
# 1 - cos(theta) = 2*haversine(theta)
cdef GLfloat c = cos(theta), s = sin(theta), h = 1 - c
cdef GLfloat xs = x*s, ys = y*s, zs = z*s
cdef GLfloat xx = x*x, xh = x*h, xxh = xx*h, xyh = y*xh, xzh = z*xh
cdef GLfloat yy = y*y, yh = y*h, yyh = yy*h, yzh = z*yh, zzh = z*z*h
cdef GLfloat rot[16]
# entries in column-major order
rot = (xxh + c, xyh - zs, xzh + ys, 0,
xyh + zs, yyh + c, yzh - xs, 0,
xzh - ys, yzh + xs, zzh + c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1.0)
mat4_multiply(rot, self._rotation, self._rotation)

def get_uniform_bindings(self, view_width, view_height):
self.compute_mvp(view_width, view_height)

def to_py(m):
return [ [ float(m[4 * i + j]) for j in range(4) ]
for i in range(4) ]

return {
'MVPMatrix': ('mat4', to_py(self._mvp)),
'ModelViewMatrix': ('mat4', to_py(self._model_view)),
'ProjectionMatrix': ('mat4', to_py(self._projection)) }
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions opengl/modern/glsl_perspective_widget.pyx
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
class GLSLPerspectiveWidget(RawOpenGLWidget, GLSLPerspectiveView):
A widget which renders a collection of OpenGL objects in perspective,
using a GLSL vertex shader to compute the projection.
profile = '3_2'

def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw):
RawOpenGLWidget.__init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw)
self.objects = []

def add_object(self, obj):

def redraw(self, width, height, skip_swap_buffers = False):
glViewport(0, 0, width, height)
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
for object in self.objects:
object.draw(width, height)
if not skip_swap_buffers:


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