This tool displays the Tailwind color palette from which you can yank.
The yanked color is hex with hash i.e. #f8fafc
Why? I just like Tailwind colors and I like using them for things other than web development. This helps.
Colors are from the Tailwind Documentation.
pipx install tailwind-color-picker
Run with twcp
Bindings, etc:
j / down - move cursor down
k / up - move cursor up
h / left - move cursor left
l / right - move cursor right
y / enter - yank (copy) the select color
q / Ctrl+c - quit
Selecting a color with the mouse will copy it, if you mouse.
This app was built using Textual.
This currently yanks only the hex code. It's not really meant to generate the css class names that you would use if developing with Tailwind. But it could be a helpful preview of the default palette.