Project requirement: To create a web application that compares two excel files
The goal of the project is to provide a simple user friendly platform that would enable users to easily compare excel files, see the differences that exist in both files, make simple changes and export their results.
Option to highlight/ remove duplicates.
Option to return one file or two files.
Option to save the document.
Show usage example to users.
Design Tool
- Figma for design.
Collaboration tools
- Figjam for whiteboarding and collaboration.
- GitHub for collaboration and developer.
- JavaScript.
- Python.
- Django.
Create a folder: mkdir folder_name
Change directory to the folder: cd folder_name
Clone main branch to folder: git clone --branch main
Create virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv (or your preferred virtual environment)
Activate virtual environment: For Mac (source venv/bin/activate), Windows (.\venv\Scripts\activate)
Install packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
Make migrations: python migrate
Run the local server: python runserver