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Uppy development

Fork the repository into your own account first. See the GitHub Help article for instructions.

After you have successfully forked the repo, clone and install the project:

git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/uppy.git
cd uppy
npm install

Our website’s examples section is also our playground, please read the Local Previews section to get up and running.

Requiring files

  • If we are require()ing a file from the same subpackage, we can freely use relative imports as long as the required file is under the src directory (for example to import @uppy/dashboard/src/utils/hi.js from @uppy/dashboard/src/index.js, use require('./utils/hi.js')).
  • But if we want to require() some file from another subpackage - we should use global @uppy requires, and they should always be in the form of @uppy/:packageName/(lib instead of src)/(same path).js


Unit tests are using Jest and can be run with:

npm run test:unit

For end-to-end tests, we use Webdriverio. For it to run locally, you need to install a Selenium standalone server. Follow the Webdriverio guide to do so. You can also install a Selenium standalone server from NPM:

npm install selenium-standalone -g
selenium-standalone install

And then launch it:

selenium-standalone start

After you have installed and launched the selenium standalone server, run:

npm run test:endtoend:local

By default, test:endtoend:local uses Firefox. You can use a different browser, like Chrome, by passing the -b flag:

npm run test:endtoend:local -- -b chrome

Note: The -- is important, it tells npm that the remaining arguments should be interpreted by the script itself, not by npm.

You can run in several browsers by passing several -b flags:

npm run test:endtoend:local -- -b chrome -b firefox

When trying to get a specific integration test to pass, it’s not that helpful to continuously run all tests. You can use the --suite flag to run tests from a single ./test/endtoend folder. For example, --suite thumbnails will only run the tests from ./test/endtoend/thumbnails. It can also be used in conjunction with one or more -b flags.

npm run test:endtoend:local -- -b chrome --suite thumbnails

These tests are also run automatically on Travis builds with SauceLabs cloud service using different OSes.


Instagram integration

Even though facebook allows using http://localhost in dev mode, Instagram doesn’t seem to support that, and seems to need a publically available domain name with HTTPS.

Make sure that you are using a development facebook app at

Go to “Instagram Basic Display” and find Instagram App ID and Instagram App Secret. Put them in a file called in the repo root:

export COMPANION_INSTAGRAM_SECRET="Instagram App Secret"


ngrok http 3020

Note the ngrok https base URL, for example and append /instagram/redirect to it, such as:

Add this full ngrok URL to Valid OAuth Redirect URIs under Instagram Basic Display.

Edit bin/companion and change to your ngrok URI:


Edit examples/dev/Dashboard.js:

const COMPANION_URL = ''

Go to: Roles -> Roles -> Add Instagram testers -> Add your instagram account

Go to your instagram account at

Tester invites -> Accept

Now you should be able to test the Instagram integration.


Before doing a release, check that the examples on the website work:

npm start
open http://localhost:4000/examples/dashboard

Also check the other examples:

cd examples/EXAMPLENAME
npm install
npm start

Releases are managed by Lerna. We do some cleanup and compile work around releases too. Use the npm release script:

npm run release

If you have two-factor authentication enabled on your account, Lerna will ask for a one-time password. You may stumble upon a known issue with the CLI where the OTP prompt may be obscured by a publishing progress bar. If Lerna appears to freeze as it starts publishing, chances are it’s waiting for the password. Try typing in your OTP and hitting enter.

Other things to keep in mind during release:

  • When doing a major release >= 1.0, of the @uppy/core package, the peerDependency of the plugin packages needs to be updated first. Eg when updating from 1.y.z to 2.0.0, the peerDependency of each should be "@uppy/core": "^2.0.0" before doing npm run release.
  • When adding a new package, add the following key to its package.json:
    "publishConfig": { "access": "public" }
    Else, npm will try and fail to publish a private package, because the @uppy scope on npm does not support that.

After a release, the demos on should also be updated. After updating, check that some things work locally:

  • the demos in the demo section work (try one that uses an import robot, and one that you need to upload to)
  • the demos on the homepage work and can import from Google Drive, Instagram, Dropbox, etc.

If you don’t have access to the source code ping @arturi or @goto-bus-stop and we’ll pick it up. ✨

Website development

We keep the website in ./website to keep docs and code in sync as we are still iterating at high velocity.

The site is built with Hexo, and Travis automatically deploys this onto GitHub Pages (it overwrites the gh-pages branch with Hexo’s build at every change to master). The content is written in Markdown and located in ./website/src. Feel free to fork & hack!

Even though bundled in this repo, the website is regarded as a separate project. As such, it has its own package.json and we aim to keep the surface where the two projects interface as small as possible. ./website/update.js is called during website builds to inject the Uppy knowledge into the site.

Local previews

  1. npm install
  2. npm start
  3. Go to http://localhost:4000. Your changes in /website and /packages/@uppy will be watched, your browser will refresh as files change.

Then, to work on, for instance, the XHRUpload example, you would edit the following files:

${EDITOR} packages/@uppy/core/src/index.js \
  packages/@uppy/core/src/Plugin.js \
  packages/@uppy/xhr-upload/src/index.js \

And open http://localhost:4000/examples/xhrupload/ in your web browser.

CSS guidelines

The CSS standards followed in this project closely resemble those from Medium’s CSS Guidelines. If something is not mentioned here, follow their guidelines.

Naming conventions

This project uses naming conventions adopted from the SUIT CSS framework. Read about them here.

To quickly summarize:


Syntax: u-[sm-|md-|lg-]<utilityName>



Syntax: [<namespace>-]<ComponentName>[-descendentName][--modifierName]

.twt-Button /* Namespaced component */
.MyComponent /* Components pascal cased */
.Button--default /* Modified button style */

.Tweet-header /* Descendents */
.Tweet-bodyText /* State of component */


This project uses SASS, with some limitations on nesting. One-level-deep nesting is allowed, but nesting may not extend a selector by using the & operator. For example:

/* BAD */
.Button {
  &--disabled {

/* GOOD */
.Button {

.Button--disabled {

Mobile-first responsive approach

Style to the mobile breakpoint with your selectors, then use min-width media queries to add any styles to the tablet or desktop breakpoints.

Selector, rule ordering

  • All selectors are sorted alphabetically and by type.
  • HTML elements go above classes and IDs in a file.
  • Rules are sorted alphabetically.
/* BAD */
.wrapper {
  width: 940px;
  margin: auto;

h1 {
  color: red;

.article {
  width: 100%;
  padding: 32px;

/* GOOD */
h1 {
  color: red;

.article {
  padding: 32px;
  width: 100%;

.wrapper {
  margin: auto;
  width: 940px;

Adding a new integration

Before opening a pull request for the new integration, open an issue to discuss said integration with the Uppy team. After discussing the integration, you can get started on it. First off, you need to construct the basic components for your integration. The following components are the current standard:

  • Dashboard: Inline Dashboard (inline: true)
  • DashboardModal: Dashboard as a modal
  • DragDrop
  • ProgressBar
  • StatusBar

All these components should function as references to the normal component. Depending on how the framework you’re using handles references to the DOM, your approach to creating these may be different. For example, in React, you can assign a property of the component to the reference of a component (see here). This may differ in your framework, but from what we’ve found, the concepts are generally pretty similar.

If you’re familiar with React, Vue or soon Svelte, it might be useful to read through the code of those integrations, as they lay out a pretty good structure. After the basic components have been built, here are a few more important tasks to get done:

  • Add TypeScript support in some capacity (if possible)
  • Write documentation
  • Add an example
  • Configuring the build system

Common issues

Before going into these tasks, here are a few common gotchas that you should be aware of.


Your package.json should resemble something like this:

  "name": "@uppy/framework",
  "dependencies": {
    "@uppy/dashboard": "file:../dashboard",
    "@uppy/drag-drop": "file:../drag-drop",
    "@uppy/progress-bar": "file:../progress-bar",
    "@uppy/status-bar": "file:../status-bar",
    "@uppy/utils": "file:../utils",
    "prop-types": "^15.6.1"
  "peerDependencies": {
    "@uppy/core": "^1.0.0"
  "publishConfig": {
    "access": "public"

The most important part about this is that @uppy/core is a peer dependency. If your framework complains about @uppy/core not being resolved, you can also add it as a dev dependency

Adding TypeScript Support

This section won’t be too in-depth, because TypeScript depends on your framework. As general advice, prefer using d.ts files and vanilla JavaScript over TypeScript files. This is circumstantial, but it makes handling the build system a lot easier when TypeScript doesn’t have to transpiled. The version of typescript in the monorepo is 4.1.

Writing docs

Generally, documentation for integrations can be broken down into a few pieces that apply to every component, and then documentation for each component. The structure should look something like this:

  • Installation
  • Initializing Uppy (may vary depending on how the framework handles reactivity)
  • Usage
  • For each component
    • Loading CSS
    • Props

It may be easier to copy the documentation of earlier integrations and change the parts that need to be changed rather than writing this from scratch. Preferably, keep the documentation to one page. For the front-matter, write something like:

title: Framework Name
type: docs
module: "@uppy/framework"
order: 0
category: "Other Integrations"

This data is used to generate Uppy’s website. Refer to the section about running the website locally if you’d like to see how the docs look on the website.

Adding an example

You can likely use whatever code generation tool for your framework (ex. create-react-app) to create this example. Make sure you add the same version of @uppy/core to this as your peer dependency required, or you may run into strange issues. Try to include all the components are some of their functionality. The React example is a great... well example of how to do this well.

Integrating the build system

The biggest part of this is understanding Uppy’s build system. The high level description is that babel goes through almost all the packages and transpiles all the Javascript files in the src directory to more compatible JavaScript in the lib folder. If you’re using vanilla JavaScript for your integration (like React and Vue do), then you can use this build system and use the files generated as your entry points.

If you’re using some kind of more abstract file format (like Svelte), then you probably want do to a few things: add the directory name to this IGNORE regex; add all your build dependencies to the root package.json (try to keep this small); add a new build:framework script to the root package.json. This script usually looks something like this:

  "scripts": {
    "build:framework": "cd framework && npm run build"

Then, add this script to the build:js script. Try running the build:js script and make sure it does not error. It may also be of use to make sure that global dependencies aren’t being used (ex. not having rollup locally and relying on a global install), as these dependencies won’t be present on the machine’s handling building.