Released versions of the various Castle projects are published to public feeds on NuGet (the recommended way to consume Castle projects) or can be downloaded directly from the GitHub Releases pages for Castle Core and Castle Windsor. However, sometimes clients may need functionality or bug fixes that have been built, but are not yet released, so the Castle Project provides access to pre-release builds as they are produced by the continuous integration server.
The Castle Project continuous integration server publishes a feed of just-built packages at:
The pre-release feed must be added to the Package Manager configuration to be used. To this, in Visual Studio, open Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Package Manager Settings.
Then select Package Manager → Package Sources and click on the "plus" (+) button near the top.
Fill in the Source URL as above and a Name of your choice, and click Update, followed by OK.
Now pre-release packages can be added to projects from within Visual Studio. Open the Package Manager Console (Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Package Manager Console), ensure that All is selected in the Package Sources dropdown, and type:
Install-Package -IncludePrerelease Castle.Core
(Or similarly for other packages.) The -IncludePrerelease flag ensures that the pre-release versions will be considered. Otherwise, only released packages will be installed.