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File metadata and controls

132 lines (94 loc) · 11.5 KB



It's our goal to provide a simple to use self-hosted music library, both from a UI and setup perspective. Thus, MusicShare strives for a simple and intuitive UI design, as well as a easy to setup system architecture with few dependencies.


Feel free to pick items from the current project board, open issues and pull requests.

System Architecture

Backend Services: Our backend is powered by Node.JS, providing a GraphQL API to fetch and update data, as well as some REST routes for file upload.

Database: Data is stored in a Cassandra database, providing fast reads for big libraries.

FileStorage: The backend is able to support external file storage provider. Currently, only an adapter for Azure Blob Storage is provided

Frontend: The frontend part of MusicShare is backed by Single-Page React Application.

Local Setup

Run The Project

Windows: Be sure to have node-gyp and the latest Node.JS version installed. For node-gyp, see instructions here.

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Run npm install or yarn install to install and bootstrap dependencies

  3. Create local configurations for frontend and backend by copying the sample .env files (cp projects/backend/config/development_sample.env projects/backend/development.env && cp projects/frontend/config/sample.env projects/frontend/.env)

  4. Create and start MusicShares dependencies PostgreSQL database with docker (docker-compose up)

    a) If your system already runs a PostgreSQL database:

    In this case, you only need to spin up the Minio (S3 compatible file storage) service and azurite (an Azure Blob Storage emulator). Just run docker-compose up -d minio azurite

    b) If your system does no already run a PostgreSQL database:

    Run docker-compose up -d to spin up a PostgreSQL database and the Minio (S3 compatible file storage) service.

  5. Open two terminal tabs and start backend and frontend via npm run start:backend and npm run start:frontend, respectively.

  6. Once both parts are up and running, you can log in via the default user [email protected] with the super-safe password test1234.

If you want to run parts of the project separately, have a look at the provided scripts of the root package.json.

I don't have docker installed (e.g. Apple Silicon)

No problem, our required development dependencies like postgres, minio, and azure blob are also available as native services or emulators.

  • for postgres you can easily find good tutorial guides on how to install postgres native on your os
  • for minio there are also plenty of installation guides on how to install it without docker as a native service
  • for azure blob you can simply use azurite, an Azure Blob Storage emulator, via the npm run start:azurite script


  • SQLError: error: database "<user>" does not exist SQL: SELECT FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'musicshare' Values:
    • connect to the PostgreSQL database first via a third party client or psql and create a database named <user>
    • for more information on this problem you can also visit this StackOverflow thread


To execute the test cases, you need to create a separate test.env for the backend project (cp projects/backend/config/development_sample.env projects/backend/test.env), and adjust the database connection variables accordingly.

Important notes

  • Be sure to always run tsc in watch mode (e.g. via dev:backend npm script) when writing test cases since ts-jest is configured to skip type checking
  • When calling executeGraphQLQuery function in integration tests, the default logged-in user is testData.users.user1

Code Standards & Naming Conventions

  • Choice between type and interface is up to you - choose what fits best for a particular use case
  • React props types are named in the following fashion ComponentNameProps
  • Use object arguments instead of single ones for n>=3 function arguments
  • File naming
    • React Components: Pascalcase (e.g. MyFancyComponent)
    • Constructor(functions): Pascalcase (e.g. SomeEntityService)
    • Files containg types: Pascalcase (e.g. SomeTypeAggregations)
    • Util(function)s: Camelcase (e.g. tryParseInt), try to split functions into separate files
    • Typings: Kebabcase (e.g. some-untyped-module.d.ts)
    • Anything else: Camelcase

Best Practices

  • If avoidable, do not hard-code values, but use environment variables

Backend Development

Environment Variables

Name Type Required Default Description
POSTGRES_HOST string false
POSTGRES_PORT number false 5432
POSTGRES_DATABASE string false musicshare
POSTGRES_USER string false postgres
CLEAR_DATABASE boolean false false Clears all table data on startup
SEED_DATABASE boolean false false Seeds cleared database with test data. Useful for development.
FRONTEND_BASEURL string false http://localhost:3000 Url pointing to the frontend
JWT_SECRET string true Unique secure random string
ENABLE_PLAYGROUND boolean false false Enabling the GraphQL Playground reachable under http(s)://<backendurl>/graphql
SETUP_USERNAME string false musicshare Username of the first user created on system setup
SETUP_PASSWORD string false WeLoveMusic Password of the first user created on system setup (should be changed afterwards!!)
SETUP_EMAIL string false [email protected] E-Mail of the first user created on system setup
SETUP_SHARE_NAME string false MyShare Share name of the first user created on system setup
DUPLICATE_DETECTION_NEAR_DUPLICATES_THRESHOULD float false 0.75 Similarity threshold for near duplicate detection of new uploads (between 0.0 and 1.0)
PUBLIC_REGISTRATION boolean false false Enabling public registration
SHARE_QUOTA integer false Quota (in bytes) applied to each library, defaults to 1TB
FILE_STORAGE_PROVIDER enum false awss3 awss3 or azureblob
S3_ACCESS_KEY string true Required if storage provider is awss3
S3_SECRET_KEY string true Required if storage provider is awss3
S3_HOST string true Required if storage provider is awss3
S3_BUCKET string false musicshare
S3_REGION string false default region of aws sdk
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING string true Required if storage provider is azureblob
AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER string false musicshare
FILE_STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY integer false 30 Validity of file access link in minutes for the music player

Frontend Development

Environment Variables

Name Type Required Default Description
REACT_APP_MUSICSHARE_BACKEND_URL string true Url pointing to end MusicShare endpoint, e.g.
REACT_APP_PUBLIC_REGISTRATION boolean false false Enabling public registration (backend must also have this feature enabled!)