This already exists somewhere
Will be looked after the freeze ends
This is asking for new features to be added to solve the issue
This adds new content to the game
This fixes an issue. Please link issues in fix PRs
changes to the .github folder
I died to this once so I want it nerfed
This PR, despite not being a draft, is incomplete and still needs work done.
This is not a real issue. Likely an intended feature.
This issue has been confirmed and should be fixed
This issue exists, but is minor and insignificant
This issue needs to be looked into to begin debugging
This is a significant, potentially gamebreaking issue.
This PR contains javascript code.
This PR's mapping side has been approved by a mapping maintainer
This issue is caused by a mapping error, or it is a mapping request.
Will result in a change to a map.
You need to implement the change on every station
Files are conflicting with current live changes.
This pr is missing a 'why is this good for the game' section or it is inadequate
This PR has been put into the yogstation subfolder for modularity