We welcome all kinds of contributions. Simply file an issue stating your reason and plans for making the change, update CHANGELOG.md, and create a pull request to the current active branch. Make sure to refer to the issue you filed in your PR's description. Cheers!
Any contributions are allowed without changing the project architecture and interfaces here. You are welcome to make contributions.
You are recommended to develop in a virtual environment launched by python environment management tool,
for example, virtualenv, conda and etc. When your virtual environment is activate, run command pip install -r requirements.txt
to install dependent packages.
Before submitting a pull request, make sure the coding style is qualified. run command pylint --rcfile=pylint.conf milvus/client
to check it.
Before submitting your PR, make sure you have run unit test, and your code coverage rate is >= 90%.
$ pytest --cov=milvus/client --cov-report=html
You may need a milvus server which is running when you run unit test. See more details on Milvus server.
Add issue tips into CHANGLOG.md, make sure all issue tips are sorted by issue number in ascending order.