An api for integrating towards different bot-systems.
Currently the api can connect to a telgram bot using telegrams webhook functionality.
In order to connect a telegram bot using a webhook, you will need a public url with ssl. Ngrok is a tool that binds a generated public url given from ngrok to your local host.
Run the following command to create a public url that binds to localhost:8443
ngrok http -host-header="localhost:8443" 8443
Note that the flag -host-header
is required if you are using IISExpress. (source)
Once you run your ngrok command, it will generate a public url that are forwarded to your localhost.
Copy the url starting with https
To bind a url to the telegram webhook, run the following:
curl -F “url=https://<<NGROK_URL>>/<WEBHOOKLOCATION>"<YOURTOKEN>/setWebhook