This directory saves the documents regarding how terms are defined and how to use the system.
Web application provides interfaces for displaying the list of assignments and submitting assignments. When a file is submitted, it talks to one grader daemon from the list to assign the grading work, and waits for the feedback (i.e., callback) from the grader.
The daemon is a multi-threaded program that listens to a TCP socket for incoming tasks, and when receiving a grading request, puts it to the queue.
There is a sub-component named worker
that fetches items from the queue, goes
over the grading steps, and sends the result back to web.
Each assignment will have its own test runner, which is written as a subclass of
the grader.GraderTestCase
(in /grader/ class.
Remember that a test case consists of three items: identifier, input, and expected outcome, corresponding to the function name, command to run and data to feed to its stdin, and the output hander, respectively.