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An in-depth analysis of Olist's online sales with PostgreSQL, Excel, Python, and Tableau. A presentation sample with recommendations geared towards Sales and Marketing teams.

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Olist E-commerce Sales Analysis

An in-depth analysis of Olist's online sales with PostgreSQL, Excel, Python, and Tableau. A presentation sample with recommendations geared towards Sales and Marketing teams.


  1. What is Olist?
  2. Data Structure
  3. Insights for North Star Metrics
  4. Recommendations
  5. Kruskal and Mutual Information Tests
  6. Tableau Dashboard
  7. Presentation
  8. Citations

What is Olist?

Olist is a Brazilian online platform that connects micro and small businesses to retailers and marketplaces like Walmart, B2W, Cnova, and more for selling their products. The company enables sellers to manage listings, inventory, orders, shipments and messages at a certain price per month. The shareholders in Olist include 500 Startups, RedPoint Ventures and individual investors such Flavio Dias, CEO of the Original Bank. After 8 funding rounds, Olist has become a Unicorn.

Olist serves in the B2B, SaaS space in the Retail market segments.

Data Structure

The data contains orders by over 90,000 customers and from over 3,000 sellers, from late 2016 to 2018. A schema is provided below:

Database Schema

Insights Summary

We focused on the following KPIs:

  1. Sales Growth Rate: the percentage change in the total sales over 2017 and 2018. We further partition by product category and state.
  2. Average Sales Value: the average value of the purchases made by a customer. We further partition by product category, state, and payment type.
  3. Average Rating: the average review score that customers give to their orders. We further partition by category, state, and region to identify areas for improvement.

Sales Growth Rate

  • Overall sales increased 22.26% from 2017 to 2018.
  • Across product categories, Construction Materials and Food and Drinks experienced the most growth, with 267% and 126% respectively. The only categories that experienced a negative growth were the Entertainment and Fashion categories, with a 3.82% and 11.75% decrease respectively.
  • The state Roraima (RR) experienced the most growth of 247%, more than 5X the second-highest sales growth state. There were five states with decrease in total sales value, and the state that experienced the most decrease was Acre (AC), at almost 50% decrease in total sales.

Average Sales Value

  • Paraiba (PB) was the state with the highest average sales value, at $253.30. However, only 556 orders were made from PB customers. On the other hand, the state with the highest number of orders was Sao Paulo (SP), with more than 43K orders, but only a $140.75 average sales value.
  • The Construction Materials category had the highest average sales value of $254.88, but only had 1389 orders. On the other hand, the Electronics and Furniture categories had much lower average sales values of $174.98 and $153.25 respectively, but with more than 25K orders each.

Average Rating

  • The Food and Drinks category had the highest average rating of 4.33 out of 5. In general, most categories had an average rating of 4, so there doesn't seem to be categories with overly positive or negative reviews.
  • Amapa (AP) is the state with the highest average ratings at 4.24/5. Maranhao (MA) had the lowest average rating, at 3.76.
  • Across the states with average ratings higher than 4/5, the majority were in the Southern regions, with some Northern states. However, the states with ratings less than 4/5 were almost exclusively in the North and Northeast regions.


Sales Team Recommendations:

  1. Focus on High-Growth Categories:
    • Invest in expanding product lines and marketing efforts for Construction Materials and Food and Drinks, as these categories are experiencing significant growth.
    • Explore opportunities to revive the Entertainment and Fashion categories by analyzing market demand and customer preferences to tailor offerings.

Logistics Team Recommendations:

  1. Optimize Delivery in High Order States:

    • Enhance logistics and distribution channels in Sao Paulo (SP), which has the highest number of orders, to maintain customer satisfaction and reduce delivery times.
    • Streamline logistics operations in Paraiba (PB) to ensure that the high average sales value is supported by efficient delivery, encouraging repeat purchases.
  2. Focus on Regions with Lower Ratings:

    • Investigate why the states with both the highest and lowest average ratings are located in the North and Northeast regions. Consider starting with carriers and suppliers to analyze product quality and delivery.
  3. Optimize Payment Processes

    • Enhance Security for Credit Card Transactions: With credit card payments making up over 70% of orders and having the highest average sales value, it's crucial to equip small- and medium-sized businesses on Olist with robust fraud prevention and detection tools.
    • Optimize Payment Processing Costs: Assess the costs associated with various payment methods and explore opportunities to negotiate more favorable terms with payment processors. This could include reducing credit card fees, enhancing customer benefits, or securing additional advantages.

Marketing Team Recommendations:

  1. Targeted Advertising Campaigns:

    • Launch localized advertising campaigns in states and categories with high growth, like Roraima (RR) and Construction Materials, to further boost brand awareness and capitalize on the growing market.
  2. Revitalize Low-Growth Categories:

    • Create targeted promotions or bundles for the Entertainment and Fashion categories to stimulate demand and address the negative growth.

Statistical Tests

We wanted to further investigate whether there are differences in the delivery times for each product category, and whether there is a relationship between delivery days and review scores (for instance, higher delivery days might result in lower customer satisfaction).

To investigate the differences in the delivery times per category, we used the Kruskal-Wallis H Test, which compares the medians of multiple groups without making the assumption that the data within each group is distributed normally or that each group has equal variance.

To investigate the relationship between delivery days and review scores, we used the Mutual Information Regression, which quanitfies the amount of information about a dependent variable that we gain from another variable. We selected this test because it does not assume that the data is linearly related or distributed normally. It is also more resistant to outliers.

Kruskal-Wallis H Test:

  • With a p-value of 1.41e-236, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the median delivery times between categories are significantly different.
  • After performing a post-hoc test, we found that the median delivery times between the Furniture and House & Garden categories differed the most.

Mutual Information:

  • The MI score was of around 0.5, meaning we don't gain much information about a customer's review score from the delivery days.


The Tableau Public dashboard can be found here.


Presentation Sample

The full presentation can be accessed here.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Data Source


An in-depth analysis of Olist's online sales with PostgreSQL, Excel, Python, and Tableau. A presentation sample with recommendations geared towards Sales and Marketing teams.







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