- Elastos Wallet provides token transfer services.
Plugin Directory:
Installation instructions:
ionic cordova plugin add D:\project\Elastos.ORG.Wallet.Mobile\appmanager
declare let cordova: any;
cordova.plugins.appmanager.StartApp("wallet/www/index.html" +
"?type=payment&message=pay message&account=10000&address=EeDUy6TmGSFfVxXVzMpVkxLhqwCqujE1WL
function (data) {},
function (error) {});
cordova.plugins.appmanager.StartApp("wallet/www/index.html" +
"? type=payment&message=pay message&amount=10000&address=EeDUy6TmGSFfVxXVzMpVkxLhqwCqujE1WL
&memo=memo&&information=sss&backurl=game/www/index.html ",
function (data) {},
function (error) {});
- “wallet/www/index.html”: Root path of target DApp, the current path of wallet is wallet/www/index.html
- type: logon type, payment is the type for using current wallet
- amount: the amount to pay, this value is the actual paymnet divided by 100000000
- address: receiver address
- memo and information: payment transaction remarks, memo will be written to Blockchain
- backurl: the returned root path of the DApp after payment transaction
- txId: transaction ID, 32 bytes string