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423 lines (265 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

423 lines (265 loc) · 13.1 KB

Change Log

Any notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.




Issue #155 - Setting textfield cursor color for EKProperty.TextFieldContent.

TextFieldContent receives tintColor from now on.


Issue #160 - Animation with sequence of images

From now on developers are able to sequence-animate and transform-animate every image within the presets using one of the designated public initializers available for EKProperty.ImageContent.


Bug Fixes:


Issue #109 - StatusBar appareance when moving to another UIViewController. Added another tatus bar type - .ignored. Using this ignores the status bar when the entry enters/exits the screen.


Issue #143 - Orientation incorrect when set to .portraitUpsideDown on iPhone. Changed isRotationEnabled to Rotation structure.

/** Rotation related position constraints */
public struct Rotation {

    /** Attributes of supported interface orientations */
    public enum SupportedInterfaceOrientation {

        /** Uses standard supported interface orientation (target specification in general settings) */
        case standard

        /** Supports all orinetations */
        case all

    /** Autorotate the entry along with the device orientation */
    public var isEnabled: Bool

    /** The screen autorotates with accordance to this option */
    public var supportedInterfaceOrientations: SwiftEntryKit.EKAttributes.PositionConstraints.Rotation.SupportedInterfaceOrientation

Button Bar Horizontal Distribution Threshold

EKProperty.ButtonBarContent supports an upper horizontal threshold for its button distribution. EKProperty.ButtonBarContent has an Int property named horizontalDistributionThreshold. It must be positive.


Bug Fixes:

Issue #117 - Round buttons in alert.


Issue #121 - Long title for alert buttons.


Bug Fixes:

Issue #131 - EKAttributes.PositionConstraints initializer parameter isn't referenced in implementation.


Bug Fixes:

Issue #132 - Background dimmed view is NOT animating.


Bug Fixes:

Issue #119 - Entry tap gesture doesn't cancel touches inside the entry view.


Apply a necessary fix for Xcode 10 and older than 4.2 Swift version compatibility.



Adjustments for Swift 4.2.

Related Issue: Swift 4.2 Support #108


Bug Fixes

numberOfLines property #111 - Allow multiple lines in image notes.


Feature - Add a way to make a specific text field first responder in EKFormMessageView

Related issue: Best way to present keyboard #107. The window must be a key window, so setting presentInsideKeyWindow to true is necessary to achieve that goal. Likewise:

SwiftEntryKit.display(entry: formMessageView, using: attributes, presentInsideKeyWindow: true)

It is recommended to set lifecycleEvents.didAppear to perform the keyboard showing action. For example:

attributes.lifecycleEvents.didAppear = {
    formMessageView.becomeFirstResponder(with: 0)


Feature - Queue of Entries

displayPriority is no longer nested inside EKAttributes. It has been replaced by another construct called precedence. precedence defines the manner in which a new entry is treated in case there already is another displayed entry.

  • See Issue #103 for feature basic requirements.
  • Please review the and the API documentation to gain additional information.

Backward Compatibility

Be aware that 0.7.0 breaks previous releases. In order to adjust previous usage to current behavior, just replace any instance of:

attributes.displayPriority = value

To the following:

attributes.precedence = .override(priority: value, dropEnqueuedEntries: false)


Adjustments for Xcode 10.


Autorotation flag for entries - pull-request

Additional documentation in


Issue #85

Lifecycle event willDisappear does not get called on swipe and prompt removeal of entry.


Issues Resolved:

Allow injecting content into text field in form entry preset

How to set the value (not placeholder) to textfield for Forms preset? #79

To support text injection to EKTextField, some minor changes have been done:

  1. EKTextField's text property has a setter now.
  2. TextFieldContent's output has been changed to textContent and has a setter now.
  3. outputWrapper - changed to contentWrapper.



Dismiss entries using touchesEnded instead of touchesBegan.

Issues Fixed

Deployment target is 9.3, not 9.0 #78


Bug Fixes:

App freezes on iOS 9.3.2 when displaying an entry and there is one shown already #73


Bug Fix

Status Bar Visibility

Status bar visibility using a view controller based status bar appearance


Entry Name

Entry can have a name. That property can be optionally set. Also, SwiftEntryKit is added a new method:

public class func isCurrentlyDisplaying(entryNamed name: String? = default) -> Bool

It can be used to inquire if a certain entry is currently displayed. It might prove helpful to troubleshoot some issues using it, and it also a boilerplate for future developments.



Status Bar Style Appearance

SwiftEntryKit supports applications that defines status bar behaviour that is based on the presented view controller. The related issue.

Key Window

Setting the entry window is key is not the default behavior anymore. The API public class func display(entry view: UIView, using attributes: EKAttributes, presentInsideKeyWindow: Bool = default, rollbackWindow: RollbackWindow = default) public class func display(entry viewController: UIViewController, using attributes: EKAttributes, presentInsideKeyWindow: Bool = default, rollbackWindow: RollbackWindow = default)

Visual Effect View Mask (Entry Background)

Performed only when really needed



Bug Fixes:

  • Animations of alert and EKRatingMessageView.
  • Constraints conflict in EKRatingMessageView


Bug Fixes:


Rollback window bug fix



Handled the issue Exclude keyWindow occupancy #56 by adding an additional parameter rollbackWindow to SwiftEntryKit.display methods.

The revised interface is as follows:

public class func display(entry view: UIView, using attributes: EKAttributes, rollbackWindow: UIWindow = default) public class func display(entry viewController: UIViewController, using attributes: EKAttributes, rollbackWindow: UIWindow = default)

After the entry has been dismissed, SwiftEntryKit rolls back to the given window value. By default it is the application key window.


Bug Fixes



Feature request: Callback when presented and dismissed #50

  • Added a LifecycleEvents construct to EKAttributes. It contains the following optional callbacks: willAppear, didAppear, willDisappear, didDisappear for the currently displayed entry.
  • Added an optional completion handler for SwiftEntryKit's dismiss method.


Issues Handled

Keep Background Unchanged when 2 Consecutive Entry Screen Backgrounds Match #46



Developers can now use a customized view controller as an entry. A sample has been added to the custom presets section in example project.


Issues Handled:


EKButtonBarView exposes func expand(), it


Bug Fixes



  • Alert & Notification Entries are image-less as well. The image parameter is optional, in case it has a nil value, the entry is generated without it.
  • Added numberOfLines to EKProperty.LabelStyle.


Bug Fixes


EKAttributes.PositionConstraints.SafeArea.isOverriden to EKAttributes.PositionConstraints.SafeArea.isOverridden EKAttributes.PositionConstraints.SafeArea.overriden to EKAttributes.PositionConstraints.SafeArea.overridden


Added an entry transform feature (ALPHA FEATURE)

Developers are able to transform an entry to another entry using the same attributes.

let view = UIView()
// Customize
SwiftEntryKit.transform(to: view)

Rating Popup

Added a rating popup (See custom presets). See also: EKRatingMessage and EKRatingMessageView

Other Changes:

Image-less popups

EKPopUpMessage can be image-less by simply setting themeImage to nil (or leaving its default value as is).

/** Popup theme image */
public struct ThemeImage {

    /** Position of the theme image */
    public enum Position {
        case topToTop(offset: CGFloat)
        case centerToTop(offset: CGFloat)

    /** The content of the image */
    public var image: EKProperty.ImageContent

    /** The psotion of the image */
    public var position: Position

public init(themeImage: ThemeImage? = default, title: EKProperty.LabelContent, description: EKProperty.LabelContent, button: EKProperty.ButtonContent, action: @escaping EKPopUpMessageAction)



Explicit direction of translation animation

EKAttributes.Animation.Translate is added an anchorPosition: AnchorPosition property:

That means that an entry can translate from the top and exit from the bottom, and vice versa.

/** Describes the anchor position */
public enum AnchorPosition {

    /** Top position - the entry shows from top or exits towards the top */
    case top

    /** Bottom position - the entry shows from bottom or exits towards the bottom */
    case bottom

    /** Automatic position - the entry shows and exits according to EKAttributes.Position value. If the position of the entry is top, bottom, the entry's translation anchor is top, bottom - respectively.*/
    case automatic

anchorPosition is determined the direction of the translation animation and is .automatic by default, meaning that the anchor is set automatically according to its position - if the position (EKAttributes.Position) is .top / bottom, then the entry enters and exit from the top / bottom edge.



Status bar revised

  • Instead of assigning the UIStatusBarStyle, use EKAttributes.StatusBar to define the status bar.
  • The benefit is an absolute control over the status bar appearance.
  • New statuses:
  • .hidden - Hides the status bar.
  • inferred - Infer the style from the previous style.



Added Carthage Support


Bug Fix

The text of the text-fields is accessible after tapping the button using EKFormMessageView. Use output property inside EKProperty.TextFieldContent.



Keyboard support

Keyboard support can be enabled using EKAttributes.PositionConstraints.KeyboardRelation enum.

// 10pt bottom offset from keyboard and at least 5pts from the screen edge while the keyboard is displayed.
attributes.positionConstraints.keyboardRelation = .bind(offset: .init(bottom: 10, screenEdgeResistance: 5))

Is Displaying

Inquire if SwiftEntryKit is currently displaying an entry:

if SwiftEntryKit.isCurrentlyDisplaying {
    /* Do Something */


EKProperty.LabelStyle replaced EKProperty.Label.