The task we set ourselves, in collaboration with Climate & Company, was to take observation data related to deforestation and combine it meaningfully with physical asset data to support Geospatial ESG. In addition, we wanted to apply what we had learned during the three-month Data Science Bootcamp at SPICED.
See the results in our final presentation.
Pandas, NumPy, GeoPandas, Rasterio, rioxarray, Cartopy, scikit-learn, XGBoost and Streamlit.
The added requirements file contains all libraries and dependencies.
Install the virtual environment and the required packages by following commands:
pyenv local 3.11.3 python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the virtual environment and the required packages by following commands.
CLI :pyenv local 3.11.3 python -m venv .venv .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt
CLI :pyenv local 3.11.3 python -m venv .venv source .venv/Scripts/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt
If you encounter an error when trying to runpip install --upgrade pip
, try using the following command:python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
There is a Streamlit app that allows the data we produced to be examined.
streamlit run
It has also been deployed to their community cloud Decent Exposure.
Pick a geograpy first e.g. regression_sample.csv, limit the range of latitude and longitude to the area you are interested in and press 'Apply'.
Alternatively, from the Map page, zoom and pan to an area then press 'Filter' which will update the chosen geography.
We established a Python module called 'leaf' that provides the basis for the script, and can be used from Python code and/or Jupyter notebooks. It supports caching of the Hansen dataset that we used for our analysis.
See def earthenginepartners_hansen in, and its use in deforestation-sample.ipynb, for details.
The script takes command line arguments to allow for the manipulation of downloaded files from the Hansen dataset.
python -m exposure --help
It was predominately used for testing purposes but could form part of a CLI toolchain.