Table of Contents
- Auxiliary Functions
- mergeString(string1,string2,connector)
- getParentKey(clave,debug=False):
- getOrderedText(desc,sparse=True,separator=None):
- exportFilter(item,dim,filter=None):
- class Cubo:
- Attributes
- Methods
- Programming notes
- class Vista:
- Attributes
- Methods
- init(self, cubo,prow, pcol, agregado, campo, filtro='',totalizado=True, stats=True):
- setNewView(self,prow, pcol, agregado=None, campo=None, filtro='',totalizado=True, stats=True, force=False):
- toNewTree(self):
- toNewTree2D(self):
- toArray(self)
- toArrayFilter(self,filterrow,filtercol)
- toList(self):
- recalcGrandTotal(self):
- traspose(self):
- export(self,parms,selArea=None):
- Programming notes
Adds two strings with a connector (surrounded with blanks) is any ot the strings is not null or not empty
OBSOLETE Get a parent's key from the child's one
- input parameters:
- clave item's key
- debug NOT USED
- returns
- parent's key
OBSOLETE From an array of texts (desc) returns a string with each value delimited (separator). If sparse is true it returns only the last element, preceded from the separators
- input parameters
- desc An array of texts
- sparse boolean. True if only last value is of interest, False if all elements of desc are retrieved)
- separator character or string. A delimiter
- returns
- a string
Auxiliary function. Used as filter in export functions
Input parameters
- item a GuideItem. Element to be checked
- dim a number, number of levels of the tree
- filter a dictionary with the filter requeriments
- content = One of ('full','branch','leaf'). full is everything, branch only branches of the model tree; leaf only leaves of the model_tree. Default full_
- totals Boolean. True if download includes grand total. Default True
Returns Boolean. True if accepted, False otherwise
Note: The best way to call it is ``` parms = { 'content':'full','totals':True} rowHdr = vista.row_hdr_idx.asHdrFilter(lambda x,y=vista.dim_row,z=parms: exportFilter(x,y,z)))
Holds the active definition dictionary
A name for the cube
Holds the sqlAlchemy.connection active for this cube
An array whith the current definition of the guides. Each element is a dictionary with
name name of the guide as it appears in the user interface
class '' normal or 'd' date (Ooptional)
contexto Information is internal and not expected to be queried by the user. The context is a dictionary with following entries
- 'table':table, -> guide's domain table
- 'code':code, -> tuple of fields which contain the related values in the cube's table, when the view is created
- 'desc':desc, -> tuple of field at the domain's table whic contain the descriptive values. If empty code subtitutes for
- 'groupby':groupby,_> fields needed to link a hierarchy of guides, included in code
- 'columns':columns, _> full list of the fields needed on the select statement needed to create the guide
- 'elems':elems, -> list of field to be included in the group by statemet when the view is created
- 'linkvia':linkvia _> In case the guide is created via join statements, the definition thereof
dir_row the generated model tree (GuideItemModel)
contexto y dir_row are created only when self.fillGuia is executed
An array with the available Sql functions for the current database manager
the list of fields available for evaluation in this cube
The name of the current type of database manager (it holds
holds the sql structure (list of columns --their fully qualified name and their formats) of the base table on which the cube is defined. For the time being is loaded thru DanaCubeWindow.getCubeRecordInfo
Cube initialization
- input parameters
- definicion -> dictionary with the structure of the cube to create (definition acording to (cube docs)[./]
- nombre -> (optional) a name for the cube
- dbConn -> (optional) If the database connection is already open, it can be reused with this parm (a sqlAlchemy connection)
Returns an array with the names of the guides
- returns
- a tuple of strings
Returns an array with the names of available db functions (sum,avg, ...) for this cube. Allows for special handling of a database backend
- returns
- a tuple of strings
Return the list of fields available for evaluation in this cube. First time invocation creates the list, according to the cube definition
- returns
- a tuple of strings
We allow in a single step to generate all the guides (executes self.fillGuia internally for each defined guide), and it's corresponding value trees. Resource usage migth be excesive. It's not used internally and should be used only for debugging purposes
Is the method used to generate the guide, i.e. access the DataBase and fill its tree. It generates and keeps some context information.
Should be explictily called only for debugging purposes. Each subsequent execution clears all the values related to the guide
- input parameters
- guidIdentifier guide to be processed. Accept both the name or the number (offset in the list)
- total . Boolean. If rows for totals have to be created.
- Output
- arbol A GuideItemModel. Is the model which contains the data tree of the guide
- contexto A dictionary with information needed n subsequent use of the guide
The normal use is just to instantiate the class and use it as parameter for the view(s) neededs
from dana-cube.util.jsonmgr import load_cubo
from dana-cube.core import *
mis_cubos = load_cubo()
cubo = Cubo(mis_cubos["datos light"])
vista = Vista(cubo,'provincia','partidos importantes','sum','votes_presential',totalizado=True)
As the sample shows, the dictionary which holds the cube definition is not created inside the module, but read from a Json file thru the load_cubo function
For debugging purposes it might be useful to get the content of one of the guides. A sample follows
from dana-cube.util.jsonmgr import load_cubo
from dana-cube.core import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
mis_cubos = load_cubo()
cubo = Cubo(mis_cubos["datos light"])
guiax,dummy = cubo.fillGuia(1,total=True)
for item in guiax.traverse():
print('\t'*item.depth(),, +1))
The reference to the Cubo for which this view is definde
Name of the sql agregate function we are using in this view
Name of the field which is aggregated in the view
An sql fragment compatible with a select statement, used to filter the resulting data BEFORE aggregation
Boolean. Determines if the view has a grand total row
Boolean. Determines if we hold basic statistic data for each row. (see GuideItemModel.setStats for details)
Integer. The index in self.cubo.lista_guias of the row guide
Integer. The index in self.cubo.lista_guias of the column guide
GuideItemModel. the tree for the row guide
GuideItemModel. the tree for the column guide
Integer. Number of nested levels of aggregation for the row
Integer. Number of nested levels of aggregation for the column
Holds the raw results of the view. It is an array of tuples (rowItem. colItem, numeric value)
Instances the view. It implies access to the database and generation of the self.array
- Input parameters
- cubo Reference of the Cubo we'll be using
- prow Name or Index of the guide will be used as row
- pcol Name or Index of the guide will be used as column
- agregado Name of the sql aggregate function to use
- campo Name of the column which well be aggregated
- filtro sql fragment to filter the query before aggregation
- totalizado boolean. If a Grand Total row will be generated
- stats boolean. Rows will have basic statistic
setNewView(self,prow, pcol, agregado=None, campo=None, filtro='',totalizado=True, stats=True, force=False):
Allows to change any parameter of the current view and reevaluate it. Only the row and column are mandatory, parameters not included will use the value of the last run
- Input parameters
- cubo Reference of the Cubo we'll be using
- prow Name or Index of the guide will be used as row
- pcol Name or Index of the guide will be used as column
- agregado Name of the sql aggregate function to use
- campo Name of the column which well be aggregated
- filtro sql fragment to filter the query before aggregation
- totalizado boolean. If a Grand Total row will be generated
- stats boolean. Rows will have basic statistic
- force boolean. If there is no change relative to the previous execution (or view instatiation) the view is not reevaluated, unless this parameter is set
From the self.array loads each element of the row model (self.row_hdr_idx) with a vector with the value for each element in the column model
From the self.array
- loads each element of the row model (self.row_hdr_idx) with a vector with the value for each element in the column model.
- loads each element of the column model (self.col_hdr_idx) with a vector with the value for each element in the row model.
Convert the raw data of the view in a two dimensional array, for further processing. Non existing values are returned as None
- Returns a two dimensional array with the values
Convert the raw data of the view in a two dimensional array, for further processing. Non existing values are returned as None.
Aditionally two filter functions are specified as parameters, one for rows, the other for columns. Each function accepts an item tree as parameter (GuideItem) and returns a boolean value: True if it will be processed, False otherwise
Input parameters
- filterrow filter function for rows.
- filtercol filter function for columns
Returns a two dimensional array with the values. Only acceptable rows/columns are included in the array
Converts the view results in a list of texts
Input parameters. All optional
- colHdr boolean if a column header will be shown. default True
- rowHdr boolean if a row header will be shown. default True
- numFmt python format for the numeric values. Default = ' {:9,d}'
- colFmt python format for the column headers. Default = ' {:>n.ns}', where n is the len of the numeric format minus 1
- rowFmt python format for the row headers. Default = ' {:20.20s}',
- hMarker hierachical marker (for row header). Default ' '
- rowHdrContent one of ('key','value'). Default 'value'
- colHdrContent one of ('key','value'). Default 'value'
- rowFilter a filtering function
- colFilter a filtering function
Returns a tuple of formatted lines
If any manipulation has been made ONLY to the leaf elements of the row model, this method reconstruct the corresponding values to the branch and total elements
If the models are filled using the toNewTree2D method, this method allows to traspose the view (change row for column)
This method allows for the export of the view data as files in several formats. Prior to the export self.toNewTree or self.toNewTree2D must have been called
Input Parameters
parms a dictionary with the ata needed to export the data. The parms allowed are:
file (mandatory) name of the destination file
type One of {'csv','xls','json','html'}. If xls is not available, defaults to csv. html generates ONLY a table definition fragment, NOT a full html page. If not present defaults to csv_
csvProp A dictionary with specific parameters for csv conversion
fldSep Field separator char. Default ','
decChar Default Decimal character. Default '.'
txtSep Text separator char. Default "'"
NumFormat Boolean. If numbers will be formatted with separators. Default=False
filter A dictionary selecting What data are exported
scope One of ('all')
row or col a dictionary with filter for rows/columns
content = One of ('full','branch','leaf'). full is everything, branch only branches of the model tree; leaf only leaves of the model_tree. Default full_
totals Boolean. True if download includes grand total. Default True
Sparse Boolean. True if header elements are only filled the first time they appear. Default True
selArea An array limiting the output UNUSED
Returns Numeric 0 if correct, -1 if something went wrong
We show a sample of how we coud get a view and show it in an array formatted with headers
this particular case can be solved with the toList method
from dana-cube.util.jsonmgr import load_cubo
from dana-cube.core import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
mis_cubos = load_cubo()
cubo = Cubo(mis_cubos["datos light"])
vista = Vista(cubo,'provincia','partidos importantes','sum','votes_presential',totalizado=True)
for line in vista.toList(numFmt=' {:14,.2F}'):
But if you prefer to code it in detail (with slightly different formatting)
from dana-cube.util.jsonmgr import load_cubo
from dana-cube.core import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
mis_cubos = load_cubo()
cubo = Cubo(mis_cubos["datos light"])
vista = Vista(cubo,'provincia','partidos importantes','sum','votes_presential',totalizado=True)
# the names of the guides ('provincia','partidos') might be sustituted for their indexes eg.
# vista = Vista(cubo,3,1,'sum','votes_presential',totalizado=True)
#now we get the column headers
hdr = ' '*20
for item in vista.col_hdr_idx.traverse():
hdr += '{:>14s} '.format(
#now we get the data for each row
for item in vista.row_hdr_idx.traverse():
rsults = item.getPayload()
datos = ''
for dato in rsults:
if dato is not None:
datos += ' {:9,d}'.format(dato)
datos +=' '*15
# and we print including the header for each row
The easiest way to access the model data is via the statement
for item in vista.row_hdr_idx.traverse():
it returns the row in a hierarchy (if the guide is hierarchical) and in the default order of the generated order by statement of the guide (the code values, not the description)
For each row (item) there are three methods you have to check
-, which holds the description of the element
- + 1), which holds the internal value of the element
item.getPayload(), which is an array with the values por each column (None if not defined for this row, else a numeric value)
And a second sample how to export to a csv file
from dana-cube.util.jsonmgr import load_cubo
from dana-cube.core import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
mis_cubos = load_cubo()
cubo = Cubo(mis_cubos["datos light"])
vista = Vista(cubo,'provincia','partidos importantes','sum','votes_presential',totalizado=True)
export_parms = {'file':'datos.csv'}