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Automated Personal Tax Preparing Tool for VMW-AVGO Merger

This is a Python-based tool that automatically calculates the cost basis of the VMW-AVGO merger. It can generate all data without the need for manually inputting per-lot information; you just need to download two files from E*Trade.

This tool processes the Gain&Loss file downloaded from E*TRADE. For each row (lot), it generates tax information, including the cost basis for cash received during the merger as well as for converted AVGO shares. Additionally, it calculates the cost basis for AVGO cash-in-lieu fractional shares and provides a tax summary across all lots.

The tool supports VMW shares acquired via ESPP, RSU, NSO, and brokerage purchases, as well as VMW shares sold before and on the merger date.

Note: This tool is applicable only to US holders of VMware shares. It appears that non-US holders have received the cash component as a dividend instead of a share sale, leading to substantially different implications for tax computation.


usage: [-h] [-c CASH] [-s STOCK] [-q] input output

positional arguments:
  input                     gain&loss csv file path
  output                    output file path, without file extension

  -h, --help                show this help message and exit
  -c CASH, --cash CASH      vmware share count liquidated for cash
  -s STOCK, --stock STOCK   vmware share count liquidated for stock
  -q, --qualifying          force espp lot to use qualifying disposition, default to false

Usage example

cd tax-tool
python3 gain-loss.csv output -c 459 -s 500 -q

Prepare Input Parameter

  • Gain&Loss file: from E*TRADE website, select Stock Plan (AVGO) ACCOUNT -> My Account tab -> Gains&Losses -> click Download. Either Download Collapsed or Download Expanded are ok.
    • A xlsx file will be downloaded.
    • Open it in Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets and save/download it as a CSV file. Choose the Comma Separated Values option if applicable.
    • If you're using macOS, use Numbers instead of Microsoft Excel to export the .xlsx file as a CSV.
  • -c & -s options: the VMware share count liquidated for cash and stock is used to calculate the precise cash/stock allocation ratio. From E*TRADE website, select Stock Plan (AVGO) ACCOUNT -> Tax Information tab -> statements -> download 12/31/2023 Single Account Statement. On the last page of this statement:
    • find row with UNACCEPTED SHARES comments, the Quantity number is the share count liquidated for cash
    • find row with TENDER PAYMENT comments, the Quantity number is the share count liquidated for stock
  • -q option: please refer to the section titled Potential AVGO Cost Base Adjustment For Last ESPP Lot

Adjusting ESPP Offer Date for Mid-Year Joiners at VMware

For ESPP shares, the tool utilizes the data/espp-date.csv file to track acquire_date and offer_date for each ESPP period offered by VMware. Some of the periods are one year long. If you joined the company in the middle of the year, it is possible you enrolled in the second half of the ESPP plan. Please check your first enrolled ESPP period and update the offer_date accordingly. For example: in espp-date.csv, there is one period as following:


If a person joined VMware in mid-2020, they could be enrolled in the second half of the 2020 ESPP plan. Thus, based on the ESPP confirmation, they need to update the espp-date.csv file to change the offer_date from 03/01/2020 to 09/01/2020. No need to change acquired_date which is the date you actually own the shares.


This tool generates two files: one in text format and another with the same name in CSV format. Both files contain tax information for each lot. Additionally, the text file contains cost basis for AVGO cash-in-lieu fractional shares and provides a tax summary across all lots. In the generated files, each lot has a "Row ID" field, which corresponds to the ID of the corresponding row from the Gain&Loss input file. This correlation allows for easy matching between computed lots from the output and reported lots from the input.

Gain&Loss File Fields Consumed by Script

Although the Gain&Loss file contains many fields, the script only utilizes the following fields:

  • Record Type: Sell
  • Symbol: VMW | AVGO
  • Plan Type: ESPP | RS | SO
  • QTY.: <number of shares>
  • Date Acquired: <vest or purchase date>
  • Date Sold: <merge or sold date>
  • Total Proceeds: <total proceeds>

Potential AVGO Cost Base Adjustment For Last ESPP Lot

The generated AVGO cost basis can be used as is, except for the last ESPP lot acquired on 08/31/2022, which is the only one with a disqualifying disposition as of the merge date. Its ESPP disposition status will transition to qualifying after 03/01/2024. If you didn't sell the converted AVGO shares of that lot before 03/01/2024, include -q as a command line input, which will force the ESPP to be considered as a qualifying disposition. This adjustment will result in AVGO shares of this lot having a more favorable (higher) cost basis.

Handle VMW Shares Acquired Through Brokerage Purchase (Advanced Usage)

VMW shares acquired through brokerage purchases will not be included in the downloaded Gain&Loss file. Users can create their own Gain & Loss file by making a copy of the downloaded one and wiping out the existing content except for the header. Then, manually enter purchase information into this new Gain & Loss file, allocating one row per transaction. Please refer to the section titled Gain & Loss Fields Consumed by Script for fields that need to be populated. Please set Plan Type to BUY and populate one additional field:

  • Plan Type: BUY
  • Acquisition Cost: <total purchase price including commission>

If there is an associated AVGO fractional share sell, add a row with the following fields populated

  • Record Type: Sell
  • Symbol: AVGO
  • QTY.: <fractional share number>
  • Date Acquired: <The acquisition date of the above-added VMW lot for AVGO fractional share cost basis calculation>.
  • Date Sold: 11/22/2023
  • Total Proceeds: <total proceeds>

When running the tool, if you can determine the -c and -s values, enter them in the command line as usual. Otherwise, you can skip these optional parameters, and the script will use the default ratio of 0.479 for cash and 0.521 for stock, respectively. The -q option is not needed, as these are not ESPP shares.

Turbo Tax Filing

For each stock transaction reported on Form 1099-B, locate the corresponding row (lot) in the generated tax file by acquisition date and share count.

  • Use Box 1d Proceeds value generated by script to populate Turbo Tax Box 1d - Proceeds field. If you already imported from E*TRADE, verify value generated by script matches imported one.
  • Use Filing Cost Basis value generated by script to populate Turbo Tax Cost basis or adjusted cost basis field

Alt text Alt text

Frequently Asked Questions

[Q] My lot cost base is still 0, is this expected?

Yes, the merge transaction is different from a normal sale. In general, if the VMW cost basis is lower than $128 (VMW FMV at merge date $196 - Cash received $68) per share, the cost basis is 0. Please refer to the following link for guidelines on computing the filing cost base:, Page 3, 2nd to the last paragraph. Following is an illustrative example:

VMware's FMV at the merge date is $196 per share. Assuming you have 1 VMware share:

  • If your cost base is $100, your gain is $196 - $100 = $96. However, you only receive $68 per share, so your capital gain is $68. Etrade reports total proceeds as $68. If you set the cost base to 0, your capital gain remains $68, for which you need to pay tax.
  • If your cost base is $150, your gain is $196 - $150 = $46. So, your capital gain is $46, even though you receive $68 per share. Etrade reports total proceeds as $68. If you set the cost base to $22, your capital gain remains $46, for which you need to pay tax.

[Q] How do I correct the share acquisition date listed as 1970 in my lot?

VMware IPOed on August 14, 2007. It's evident that shares acquired in 1970 are incorrect. Please contact E*TRADE to rectify this issue. In the meantime, if you know the share acquisition date from this lot (row), please update the Gain&Loss CSV file to set the Date Acquired field to the correct value. Also, ensure that the values of other fields mentioned in the section Gain&Loss File Fields Consumed by Script are correct, and update them if needed. Then, rerun the tool.



This repository is free for non-commercial use. If you intend to use any part of it commercially, please reach out to me for further discussion.


The tool is intended for informational and knowledge-sharing purposes only. The author is not a tax professional and assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this tool.